2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 99 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 籌募經費及拓展資源 承蒙各界支持,年度內本會成功舉辦多項籌款 活動。二零一八年三月五日,由「比富達資產管 理有限公司」冠名贊助的「第三屆香港善導會慈 善高爾夫球賽」獲得 17 支參賽隊伍支持,共籌 得約港幣 $380,000 元善款;連續兩年由「高博 集團有限公司」、「天龍人力資源管理有限公司」 及「匯財金融投資控股有限公司」聯合冠名贊助 的第六屆「甦 WALK 慈善行•跑步賽」亦於二零 一九年一月二十日完滿舉行,總參與人數超過 2,000 人,共籌得約港幣 $700,000 元善款,為歷 年之冠。 另外,本會於二零一九年三月二日舉辦全港賣 旗日,距離上一次賣旗日已相隔六年,感謝各 界支持,是次賣旗日成功招募超過 5,200 名義 工,共籌得超過港幣 $1,600,000 元,以上籌得 善款將用於非政府恆常資助項目,包括預防犯 罪教育、高危青少年及弱勢社群服務。另外本 會亦設網上月捐計劃、物品捐贈、捐款箱等不 同方式,鼓勵大眾支持更生康復、精神健康及 預防犯罪服務。 FUND RAISING AND RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT We are most grateful of the generosity and support from all philanthropic supporting parties. The 3rd SRACP Charity Golf was successfully held on 5 March 2018 with support from 17 golf teams to take part, HK$0.38 million was raised; the 6th SRACP Charity Walk and Run was organized successfully on 20 January 2019, the event was the second year presented by Cobot Group Limited, Draco Human Resources Management Limited and Finsoft Financial Investment Holdings Limited. Over 2,000 participates were recorded and over HK$0.7 million sum was raised, which was the highest fund raising record among the past Charity Walk and Run. Furthermore, SRACP had have its territory-wide flag day on 2 Mach 2019 since the last Flag Day 6 years ago. We were most grateful to recruit over 5,200 volunteers joining the event and over HK$1.6 million was raised. All the above mentioned funding would be appointed to support the non-governmental subvention services, including crime prevention education, youth-at-risk group and under-privileged supporting services. SRACP also has online monthly donations, in-kind donations, donation boxes to convenience the public to make their contribution in supporting crime prevention, and fostering rehabilitation and mental in recovery. 本會第六屆甦 Walk 慈善行•跑步賽吸引超過二千人支持參與。 With the participation of over 2,000 people took part in the 6th SRACP Charity Walk and Run. 本會總幹事吳宏增先生接受傳媒訪問。 Our Chief Executive, Mr. Andy Ng was interviewed by reporters.