2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 100 SERVICE OVERVIEW Use of Cloud Services and System Development The Society has kept up with the fast-moving world, we have joined the Microsoft Software Donation Programme and tried out the cloud services and products including Office 365, cloud-based platform “Azure” and online meetings “Teams”, which improved the collaboration with others on the internet and the efficiency is further enhanced. Also, with the support from Social Welfare Development Fund, the “Stakeholders Relationship Management System” and the “Human Resources Management System” were in development process, the new “Finance Management System” rolled out in this year for efficiency enhancement. Furthermore, the “Mental Health Service Integrated System” is being developed to provide quality information management on Mental Health Service. Website Design, Multimedia Production and Skills Training To release news and information, Information Technology Unit created and updated web pages for different service units and events. Our social enterprise, Bright Services Company Limited was being awarded the “Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme — Triple Gold Awards” which is organised by Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC). The website provides “barrier-free experience” to the visually impaired and elderly to obtain more information, and projects a positive image of the Society and Bright Services Company Limited. Information Technology Unit also provided multimedia production and support for series of events, including production of promotional video, social media support, and production of event highlight video. Moreover, relevant I.T. training was provided to staff to help them adapting the interface of the new computer operation system. 資訊科技 Information Technology 榮獲「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃 — 網站組別」的連續三年金獎。 “Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme – Triple Gold Awards” awarded by Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited. 資訊科技部提供電腦 訓練課程予同工。 O365 Training provided by IT team. 服務概覽 使用雲端服務 , 配合系統開發 本 會 與 時 並 進,成 功 申 請「微 軟 Office 365 捐 贈計劃」,並於年內使用雲端服務及產品,包 括 Office 365 處理文書檔案、 Azure 雲端平台及 Teams 進行線上會議等,讓員工善用網絡上協 作,提高機構整體的工作效率,並配合各系統 的開發。本會獲社會福利發展基金資助正在開 發「持份者關係管理系統」及「人事管理系統」, 而新的「財務管理系統」亦於年內正式使用,提 升效率。此外,本會正開發「精神復康服務綜合 系統」,以優化精神復康服務的資訊管理。 網頁設計、多媒體製作及訓練 本部門年內為本會多個機構活動及服務單位 製作和更新網頁,使本會的服務最新動態可迅 速傳遞予社會大眾。而本會屬下社會企業「明 朗服務有限公司」本年度再次參與由香港互聯 網註冊管理有限公司主辦的「無障礙網頁嘉許 計劃」,並榮獲「無障礙網頁嘉許計劃 — 網站 組別」的連續三年金獎。明朗的網頁現在提供 「無障礙體驗」予視障人士及長者,令他們從網 站上獲取更多的資訊,突顯其正面的社會企業 的形象。另外,本部門亦為大型活動提供多媒 體製作及支援,例如前期的宣傳影片籌備、拍 攝及製作,並於活動前後協助更新社交平台內 容,及製作回顧精華影片。為配合同工適應使 用新的電腦作業系統,本會亦籌辦了相應的電 腦使用訓練課程。