2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 102 服務概覽 近年社會急速轉變,服務使用者對社會服務的 需求日漸改變,本會的服務也與時並進。研究 及發展部配合本會多方面的變化,在過往一年 亦推陳出新。現時,研究調查、數據及知識管 理、創新開發均是本部門的三大重點工作。 研究調查 為貫徹實證為本的理念,本部門近年於各服務 單位中大力推動不同形式的研究調查,如服務 使用者需要調查、服務成效及質素評估、社會 影響評估等。本部門年內為本會綜合更生康復 服務的盜竊人士治療小組,進行了一項服務成 效及質素評估。研究發現,治療小組有效減少 盜竊成癮人士的盜竊衝動及次數,同時提升他 們的自控能力、自尊感、幸福指數、家庭關係 等;有助減低其重犯機會,讓他們重返正途。 此外,本部門亦定期向本會內外公佈研究結 果,如在年內的「尋找甦屋的故事」週年分享會 上,公佈關於「甦屋」社會影響評估的研究結果。 SERVICE OVERVIEW The needs and demands of our service users are changing at a fast pace, driven by the rapid societal change. To keep up with these changes, the Research and Development Division (RDD), in response to the Society, has made several significant revisions. At present, research, data and knowledge management, as well as innovation and development are the three key tasks of RDD. RESEARCH In recent years, RDD has endeavored to foster a culture of evidence-based practice, by promoting different kinds of research study e.g. needs assessment, service evaluation study and social impact assessment, in all service units. A service evaluation study was conducted on a therapeutic group for ex-offenders with Kleptomania, i.e. stealing addiction. It was found that the therapeutic group is effective in reducing ex-offenders’ stealing frequency and impulse meanwhile enhancing their self-control ability, self-esteem, well-being as well as family relationship. Besides, RDD periodically presents research findings internally and externally. In this year, RDD presented the findings of the social impact assessment of the “SoUK Project” to the general public. 研究調查 Research Study 本會副總幹事與研究及發展主任 ( 左起 ) 於 善研暨「重投社會•走出陰霾」研究調查 發佈會上分享研究結果。 Deputy Chief Executive and Research and Development Officer (from left) presented the second issue of “Sracpology” as well as research findings of “Offender reintegration: Overcoming the past, present and future challenges” at press conference 研究及發展主任公佈「甦屋」社會影響評估的研究結果。 Research and Development Officer presented the findings of the social impact assessment of the “SoUK Project”.