2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 103 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 數據及知識管理 在數據及知識管理方面,本部門除了管理本會 的龐大數據庫,如服務資料及數據統一電腦系 統外,亦定期收集及分析與服務相關數據,協 助各部門改進現時服務及發展新服務項目。 為提倡「知識承傳」的理念,本部門於年內出版 了第二期《善研》,與各界分享從實務經驗、學 術理論及研究三方面所得的知識。 創新發展 為配合本會多元創新發展的方針,創新發展亦 是本部門近年重點工作之一。本部門透過探討 海外及本地文獻,以及分析不同領域的社會服 務研究,參與撰寫多項服務資助招標申請及計 劃書,並協助本會成功申請數項服務資助,如 「筲箕灣宿舍重建計劃」及「藍巴士賽馬會結伴 成長計劃」等。 DATA AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT In terms of data and knowledge management, not only does RDD manage the big data of the Society, such as Offender Rehabilitation and Service Integration System, we also analyse the data and report the findings to the corresponding units for service improvement and further development. Knowledge inheritance is a rationale upheld by RDD. In view of this, RDD published the second issue of “Sracpology” , aimed at building and disseminating knowledge and wisdom from the practical experience, academic theories as well as research studies to the social welfare field and the general public. INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Innovation and Development is the key directive of RDD in recent years. Through literature reviews and service models exploration and analysis, RDD had assisted the Society to compile several project proposals, and successfully applied for several service funding, e.g. “Redevelopment of Shau Kei Wan Halfway House” and “Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project”.