2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 106 SERVICE OVERVIEW In 2018/2019, Staff Welfare Association (SWA) organised annual gathering during Christmas, a total number of 147 colleagues and fellows joined. Also, we organised hiking and BBQ to increase the integration of staff from different service departments. As usual, SWA continued to support the Stanley Autumn Fair organised by the Sports Association of the Correctional Services Department. We also supported our soccer and basketball teams to join the social work cup competitions. Moreover, this year SWA started to organise regular volley ball training for all staff. This year, SWA facilitated the Society to design and organise an “Agency Retreat Day“, which was held in Yuen Long. While enjoying the relaxing day, colleagues got more familiarised with other unit’s services. The retreat not only fostered team building among colleagues from different units, but also united all colleagues for agency’s betterment. 服務概覽 二零一八至二零一九年度,職員福利會於聖誔 節期間舉行職員週年聚餐,有 147 名同工親屬 出席;此外亦舉辦「行山燒烤樂」讓同事紓解工 作壓力之餘,亦讓不同單位同事可加深彼此間 的認識。 職員福利會除了繼續參加由懲教署體育會舉辦 的赤柱秋季賣物會外,亦分別組織籃球隊及足 球隊代表機構出戰社工盃足球和籃球比賽。今 年,我們新增定期舉行排球訓練,鼓勵更多同 事參與運動,強身健體。 此外,職員福利會更協助舉辦機構退修日,在 元朗八鄉少年警訊永久活動中心舉行,讓同事 放鬆心情之餘,亦增加同事對不同單位的服務 及同事的認識,有助凝聚機構力量。 職員活動 Activities for Staff 同事全心投入參與排球訓練。 Our Staffs participated in the volley ball training. 行山郊遊,舒展身心,傍晚一起共晉豐富燒烤。 Colleagues joined hiking and BBQ with their friends and relatives. 機構退修日主題為「凝聚能量.關愛同行」。 United all colleagues for agency’s betterment.