2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 9 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 職業服務及社會企業 本會的職業服務過去多年持續發展,對培訓 場地的需求日益增加。去年,本會重置香港康 樂中心,出售騰出的物業,再購置商業樓宇單 位,作僱員再培訓課程之用。可惜商業樓宇價 格徘徊於高位,故未能覓得合適單位,只能繼 續租賃現時位於長沙灣的商業樓宇。本會銳意 發展為更生人士及有需要的服務組群提供適 切而具效益的職業服務,正部署所需資源,希 望能盡早實現自置培訓中心計劃。去年,職業 發展服務各項計劃穩步發展;恒生銀行贊助的 「青年前路探索計劃」再得到恒生銀行撥款六 百三十萬元延續新一期的工作,社署亦增撥資 源,加強輔助就業服務,強化精神復元人士就 業跟進的成效。由馬會撥款贊助的賽馬會「挑 戰你•想」計劃,服務推行至今已成功鼓勵一 群欠缺正面經驗的青少年,訂立自己追求的目 標,並付諸實行。 本會今年的「甦龍」龍舟活動獲得 K & K Charity 贊助,主要為青年服務對象與僱主及其他合作 夥伴合作,一起參賽。社會企業是善導會職業 服務其中極為重要的一環。本會社企明朗服務 有限公司旗下,位於港島興民邨的烘焙小食店 「甦爐」於去年中正式開業。由於店舖周圍正進 行裝修,經營收入仍未算理想,但「甦爐」聘用 青年更生人士,提供培訓與實踐的工作機會, 漸見成效。雖然「甦爐」規模不大,但本會相 信,當「甦爐」在區內打穩基礎,加強宣傳,增 加公司機構訂單,相信能成為培育青年更生人 士的一個具效益的培訓平台。 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE AND SOCIAL ENTERPRISE Employment Service has been expanding for years and there’s high demand on training venues. Last year, the Society relocated the Hong Kong Recreation Centre. The free up property has been sold and planned to re-buy a commercial unit for ERB courses. Yet the pricing was in high tier and beyond our affordability, therefore no appropriate unit could be bought and we can solely rent the current commercial unit in Cheung Sha Wan. The Society is keen to look for a suitable area to sustain the employment services. Varies projects under Employment Service had steady growth. “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme” which is renewed and supported by Hang Seng Bank with HK$6.3 million for the next phrase of the service. More resources are allocated by SWD to support employment services to persons in mental recovery. Jockey Club YouChallenge Programme funded by HKJCCT empowered the disadvantaged youths to map out their goals and make it happen. The Society was gladly to receive sponsorship from K&K Charity for ’So-Dragon’ Project, in which the dragon boat team is including our young service users, employers and other partners. Social Enterprise is important to our Employment Development Service. ’SoBakery’ café is a business under Bright Services Company Limited, located in Hing Man Estate of Hong Kong Island. The business officially started in mid-2018. Due to the continue renovation campaigns near the café, the present revenue of the “SoBakery” was affected and barely satisfactory. However, its founding purpose of providing job opportunity to young ex- offenders has been fulfilled and established. Although the café scale is relatively small, it is believed that the business of “SoBakery” will get better with continuous community promotion, and it also serves as a training platform to service users.