2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 11 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 賽馬會「拍住上」共居社區計劃 香港賽馬會撥款約二億四千萬元,推行「賽馬 會『拍住上』共居社區計劃」,對象為離開院舍 的青年與精神復原人士共居計劃。該計劃除重 置原有的筲箕灣宿舍外,亦會提供九十多個住 宿名額,接受年滿 18 歲或以上,在兒童及青少 年院舍完成住宿期的青少年申請入住。計劃 將採用一個名為「共生復原的模式」 (Symbiotic Recovery Model) 的 服 務 理 念,揉 合 Foyer Model 與復元模式的元素,打造一個類似大學宿舍的 環境,透過不同階段的培訓與服務模組,並透 過共居的體驗,一方面協助青少年學習過渡至 具正向價值觀的成人階段,另一方面讓精神復 元人士透過共居互動,更具效益地達致精神復 元,重新建立生活目標,在社區獨立生活。 去年,計劃正處於積極籌備階段,除安排現居 於筲箕灣宿舍舍友調遷至本會其他中途宿舍, 亦開展地區聯絡工作,探訪青少年家舍營運機 構、當區區議員、與大學研究組織籌備計劃效 益評估,並進行工程認可人士顧問服務招標程 序。項目工作團隊亦於本年八月底到訪澳洲相 關機構,學習 Foyer Model 及青少年精神健康服 務,配合大樓的設計,以為推行共生復元理念 作好準備。此外,項目的前期試驗計劃已覓得 合適地點,並將於明年第三季推行。 JOCKEY CLUB “CRAFT YOUR LIFE TOGETHER” CO-LIVING COMMUNITY PROJECT The Society is pleased to receive HK$240 million from HKJC for ’Craft Your Life Together’ Co-living Community Project for social institutions discharged youngsters and persons in mental recovery. The Project is not only re-embedded the original Shau Kei Wan House, and also provides 90 residential quota for those social institutions discharged youngsters aged 18. A “Symbiotic Recovery Model” that mixing with Foyer Model and Recovery Model will be adopted. Taking reference from the university students hall, different training and services modules will be provided to facilitate the residents to achieve a co-living harmonious. It aims at enhancing those discharged youngsters to build up mature characters for a self-dependent and law abiding adulthood on one hand, and promoting the recovery of residents of SKWH, so they can have independent lives when they integrate into the community in the future on the other hand. The project was under preparation stage in the last year, residents of SKWH have been planned to decant to other halfway houses. Local consultation and coordination work including visiting the teenage hostel service agencies, district council members and university research units have been organized. And the open tendering procedure for Authorised Person Consultation Service has been kicked off. In late August of this year, for the better preparation, the project team has a visiting tour to Melbourne in learning Foyer Model and teenage mental health service. Last but not least, the pilot scheme of the Project has located an appropriate housing unit, which will be launched in the third quarter of 2020.