2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 13 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 為符合資助組織要求及實踐「實證為本」與「服 務效益量度」等目標,本會今年以非社署津助 服務項目所提供的額外資源,增聘研究主任, 為各服務及計劃申請提供整合數據,亦提供服 務成效研究。去年完成的研究項目包括更生 人士特質及需要調查,及「甦屋計劃」成效調查 等。此外,研究及發展部去年出版第二期《善 研》,發表研究結果,亦邀請界內相關專家學者 就個別議題撰文。 自機構傳訊部成立之以來,服務單位探訪、媒 體訪問、學術研究等對外事務申請不斷上升。 為強化服務推廣、增強社交媒體資訊發放及推 動多策略捐款,本會於今年加強機構傳訊部人 手,以應付日益繁重的工作。去年全年總結, 接待外訪 19 次、接受媒體及學術研究查詢或訪 問、記者招待會等傳媒活動接近 100 次。社交 媒體的發布超過 160 次,臉書 (FB) 追蹤者錄得多 於 50% 增長。機構傳訊部亦主理賣旗日及各項 大型慈善籌款活動。 To fulfill the demands of the funding bodies and actualize the ’Evidence Base’ and ’Service Efficiency Measurement’ objectives, a new research officer has been employed by utilizing the extra resources from non-government subvention projects, aiming to consolidate the current services statistics, research data and provide service impacts research. Some of the conducted research, including the research of ex-offenders’ characteristic and needs exploration, and the “SoUK Project” impacts have been implemented. The second issue of Sracpology has been published by the Research Development Division. Related research findings have been released last year, in which expertise and professionals have been invited to contribute their articles. Since the establishment of the Corporate Communications Division (CCD), service units visiting, media interviews, research enquiries increased continuously. A new officer is employed in order to enhance the service promotion, strengthen the social media interaction with public and implement the omni-promotion strategy. Last year CCD had 19 visiting, more than 100 media exposure/institutional enquiries, over 160 social media sharing and the Facebook followers recorded 50% growth. CCD also handles the major fund raising events and Agency Flag Day.