2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 14 吳宏增 Andy, NGWang-tsang 總結 這是本人自二零零五年出任總幹事以來最後一 份總幹事報告。過去十四年,本人感謝每一位 同工不辭勞苦、克盡己職,為服務使用者提供 具效益且優質的服務。過去十多年來,善導會 仍以更生服務、預防犯罪及精神復康服務為發 展主軸,服務手法推陳出新,屢見創新,贏得 了不少服務受眾及各持份者的讚譽。在這一份 最後報告,我亦要特別多謝一直帶領本會排除 萬難、穩步前進的各個委員會成員,他們的無 私奉獻、對會務的指導、讓善導會得以穩步發 展;我亦特別多謝歷任執行委員會主席,當中 包括彭鍵基博士、湯寶臣先生及李瀚良法官, 在他們的帶領下,善導會在各服務領域上已贏 得本地、國內及海外的口碑。展望將來,我相 信善導會仍會不斷創新進步,為打造一個安全 而包容的社會作出貢獻。 CONCLUDING REMARK This is my last Chief Executive’s Report ever since 2005 being Chief Executive of SRACP. I would like to give my deepest appreciation to every colleague who make every endeavor to provide service to our users in the past 14 years. The Society insists on foster rehabilitation, crime prevention and mental health care for decades, with the innovative approaches, it is delighted to see the affirmation from our service users and stakeholders. I would like to take this chance to thank you all the board members who are dedicated to lead and contribute to the development of SRACP. Special heartfelt and sincere thank you to all previous and present Chairmen, including Dr. PANG Kin-kee, SBS, Mr. Louis TONG Po-san, SBS and The Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick LI. Under their leadership, the Society becomes a signature brand and has won the good word-of-mouth of services among the local, mainland, and overseas services fields. Looking forward to the future, I believe SRACP will make progress innovatively and contributive to the development of a safe and inclusive society.