2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 31 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 於二零一八至二零一九年度,本服務共舉辦 了六個活動,內容包括:義工基礎訓練課程、 法律常識、法治講座、荃葵青區大窩口鄰舍計 劃。義工真誠友愛的服務態度得到各方讚賞, 其中表現卓越的義工馬來勝先生更獲提名參 加香港懲教署舉辦的「非政府機構傑出義工計 劃」。 「耆望計劃」 – 支援違法長者 近年高齡人士牽涉刑事罪行有上升趨勢,有見 及此,本會自二零一六開始與香港警務處新界 南總區合作開展「耆望計劃」,去年亦與黃大仙 警署開展合作,由社工及早介入跟進一些被警 務人員進行刑事調查、或被安排接受警司警誡 令、或被落案檢控的六十五歲或以上長者,外 展支援他們及其親屬處理刑事程序,解決個人 及家庭福利問題,並提供更生輔導,強化他們 的支援網絡,預防他們重犯。 In 2018/2019, six volunteer training activities were organised which included fundamental training of voluntary work, legal knowledge, workshop on the rule of law and Tsuen Kwai Tsing district-Tai Wo Hau neighbourhood project. The training not only enhanced the mutual support among volunteers, but also let them share the accolades and the sincerity. Mr. MA Loi-shing, one of our renowned volunteers, was nominated for the Outstanding NGO Volunteer Award Programme organised by the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department. PROJECT HOPE – SUPPORT ELDER PEOPLE WHO ARE SUSPECTED OF INFRINGING THE LAW In view of a rise of crime committed by elder people, our Society cooperated with the Hong Kong Police Force (New Territories South Regional and Wong Tai Sin Police Station) to launch Project HOPE. Our social workers assisted elderly crime suspects aged 65 or above from the early stage of police investigation, under the Police Superintendent Discretionary Scheme, or being taken into prosecution process. The elderly suspects received our guidance in handling criminal proceedings, resolving welfare problems as well as strengthening support network throughout prosecution processes and post-sentencing stage. 預防犯罪服務 Crime Prevention Service 服務使用者黃思安分享自己牽涉司法程序的經歷。 Mr. Wong See-on, our service user was invited to share his experiences in legal proceedings contributed to his traumas from arrest, incarceration and release. 新加入的義工參觀九龍城法院了解香港司法制度和法院社工服 務。 New recruited volunteers visited the Kowloon City Magistrates’ Court to learn about judiciary system of Hong Kong and Court Social Work Service.