2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 3 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 主席獻辭 Chairperson’s Message 過去一年,香港善導會秉承著六十週年的主題 「憑信念、創機會、傳希望」,不斷邁步向前。 我欣然見到本會的發展更上一層樓。 現今社會瞬息萬變,本會積極審視及提升現有 的服務質素,並開創嶄新的服務模式,以應對 不同年齡服務使用者的需求。此外,本會深明 員工是機構成功的基石,致力優化機構的中央 職能,尤其是財務和人力資源層面以提升團隊 的表現和效率。 迎接挑戰 創新發展 本會由衷感謝香港賽馬會慈善信託基金鼎力支 持,撥款近二億四千萬港元,資助拆掉並重建 筲箕灣宿舍,落成後將命名為「箕寓」;雙方亦 協力推展一項嶄新服務模式 — 「賽馬會『拍住 上』共居社區計劃」。此計劃參照歐洲、澳洲為 無家可歸青年所採用的「共同生活模式 」 (Foyer Model) ,並揉合復元模式,讓精神復元人士與 在院舍成長的青年共居,期間會提供過渡性支 援服務,加強他們與社區的連繫,以及能夠自 立生活。 住屋對更生人士、精神復元人士一直以來都是 一大挑戰。除了「賽馬會『拍住上』共居社區計 劃」外,本會經多方面的努力,成功投得香港 社會服務聯會的社會房屋共享計劃其中一個項 目,以拓展本會的社會房屋計劃。項目位於中 環士丹頓街一幢唐樓,涉及六個住宅單位,將 是本會第四間「甦屋」。入住對象均是沒有強大 的家庭網絡,冀青年、中年及長者三代人透過 共居互相扶持,共同建構一個和諧的家庭生活 環境。 本會連繫各方伙伴協作,拓展嶄新服務,以回 應社會需要。本會與香港小童群益會合作推行 「藍巴士賽馬會結伴成長計劃」,由香港賽馬會 慈善信託基金贊助,為期三年,冀以嶄新服務 模式,支援父母涉及犯罪行為的青年和兒童, 以及其照顧者。香港大學社會工作及社會行政 學系為項目研究夥伴,將開發新的「實證為本」 的介入手法和服務模式,之後會向業界分享成 果。 I am pleased to announce that we have lived up to the spirit of the 60 th anniversary motto — “By Faith; Create Opportunities; Instil Hope”. The Society has reviewed existing service modalities and pioneered new service models for users from different age groups. We have strived to enhance time-honoured projects. We have improved corporate functions in the financial and human resources aspects to facilitate staff performance. KEEP PIONEERING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICE MODELS With the support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (HKJCCT), the Society is granted about HK$240 million to redevelop our Shau Kei Wan House. The new hostel is called “Key House”. This hostel is a new service model providing transitional support to persons in mental recovery (PMRs) and young people who have completed their stay in social institutions. This is the Jockey Club “Craft Your Life Together” Co-living Community Project (JCCCP). In this project, we adopt the “Foyer Model” which is originally a successful scheme in Europe and Australia for co-living of homeless young persons. We have added some recovery element to the “Foyer Model” so that PMRs and young persons may integrate and live in a community both reliant on and independent of each other. Accommodation has always been a persistent problem for both ex-offenders and PMRs. Apart from the JCCCP, the Society has successfully bid one of the social housing projects of Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS). Our project is composed of six units in a tenement house in Staunton Street, Sheung Wan. We operate the fourth “SoUK” there (i.e. the Society’s co-living project). This is a new co-living model for individuals across three generations who do not have strong family support. We hope that the youth, the middle-aged and the elderly could complement one another to create a homely environment. In addition, the Society has partnered with the Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (BGCA) to launch a 3-years new service model for young persons and their carers whose parents are imprisoned or awaiting trial. This is the Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project (BBJC). The Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong is our research partner. New evidence-based practices and service models will be developed and shared afterwards. 李瀚良 Patrick LI