2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 5 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 服務革新 優勢為本 更生人士和精神復元人士的復元之路均不易。 本會繼在精神健康服務轄下的精神健康綜合 社區中心、中途宿舍採用優勢為本的復元模式 後,去年亦在社會康復和預防犯罪服務推行 「正向人生概念」,目標是減低服務使用者重犯 風險之餘,亦要關注其心靈健康。隨著「正向人 生概念」之應用,本會舉辦不同的活動宣傳身 心靈,協助服務使用者建立正面生活模式。 加強財務與人力資源發展的策略 為提升財務管理效率,本會重新裝置一套中央 管理的財務系統,以及時提供財務報告,並且 全面採用電子簽署文件系統,加快工作流程和 效率。為更有效管理團隊,本會遂成立「共識 表現評核會」,以審視專業或行政職級或以上 員工整體表現,達致更公平評核員工表現。此 外,本會亦推出多項嶄新人力資源措施,包括 「加油站」項目,讓同工每月有一日享有額外一 小時用膳時間,並每月為各單位提供預算購買 零食等,員工反映正面,來年將繼續進行。 最後,我謹代表本會衷心的感謝八月底卸任的 總幹事 Andy ,他過去十多年堅定不移地領導團 隊,對善導會貢獻良多。我相信,委員會全體 成員未來會繼續與員工同行,肩並肩,迎難而 上,為建立一個安全和包容的社會,作出貢獻。 ADOPTION OF STRENGTHS-BASED APPROACH FOR LIVES IN TRANSITION Both offenders and PMRs shared and encountered lives in transition. The Society’s Mental Health Service has adopted the Recovery Approach in designing services in Integrated Community Centres for Mental Wellness (ICCMWs) and Halfway Houses. Last year, the Social Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Services adopted the Good Lives Model for Offender Rehabilitation (GLM). Not only did our staff aim at reduction of re-offending, we also attended to the enhancement of offenders’ well-being. With the application of GLM, a variety of programmes promoting health and social well-being were implemented to assist service users to adopt more fulfilling and socially integrated lifestyles. STRATEGIES OF STRENGTHENING FINANCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT The replacement of Financial Management System has facilitated preparation of more timely up-to-date management reports. In addition, electronic financial e-signature was fully implemented last year. In order to motivate our staff to provide better services, the human resources management team has set up Assessment Alignment Board (AAB) to review and align the overall appraisal grade for staff of professional and management grades. In addition, the Society had launched the “Happy Employees” scheme last year. All colleagues were entitled to an extra ’one- hour’ meal break once a month. There was also separated budget for each service unit for purchasing snacks every month. The feedback was very good and the scheme would continue. Lastly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Andy, our outgoing Chief Executive, for his able leadership in the past decade. I believe that with the dedication and efforts of all Committee members and staff, the Society will overcome any difficulties and contribute in building a safe and inclusive society. 李瀚良 Patrick LI