2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 6 總幹事報告 Chief Executive’s Report 在拓展新服務方面,去年是香港善導會豐碩收 獲的一年。繼去年八月獲香港賽馬會慈善信託 基金正式批核,重建本會筲箕灣宿舍,推行精 神復元人士及離開院舍的青年共住計劃外;於 年底,再獲賽馬會批核一千六百九十多萬元, 與香港小童群益會合辦「藍巴士賽馬會結伴成 長計劃」。此外,各項短期服務計劃均有可觀的 發展。 社會康復服務 去年,經與社會福利署詳細磋商,確定各項曾 違法者及刑釋人士服務津貼及服務協議 (FSA) 的 修訂。而隨着新的服務及津貼協議在今年五月 全面實施,更生康復服務綜合化亦正式開展, 強化家人及照顧者工作、增設夜間服務及一 站式全面照顧(融入康樂服務)。在恆常津助服 務外,亦拓展不同年齡層的更生人士工作。去 年,本會完成初階段的「耆望計劃」,並召開記 者招待會,獲各媒體積極報道,現正向合適基 金申請資助,將計劃覆蓋至新界南以外各個警 區。此外,本會成功投得懲教署計劃,繼續在 青少年院所提供小組工作,讓年青更生人士離 開院所後,再轉介至本會舉辦的賽馬會「挑戰 你•想」計劃、「恒生青年創業計劃」或再培訓 課程等,接受全面的跟進服務。 Last year the Society remarked a great yield on service development. Apart from the funding granted by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (HKJCCT) for the reconstruction of the existing Shau Kei Wan House, a co-living community Project named, ’Craft Your Life Together’ for those discharged youngsters from the residential home and persons in mental recovery. Partnered with The Boys’ and Girls’ Club Association of Hong Kong, another HK$16.9 million has been granted from HKJCCT for the ’Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project’. Meanwhile, a variety of service projects have a remarkable growth. SOCIAL REHABILITATION SERVICE After discussion with the Social Welfare Department (SWD) last year, the amendment of Funding and Service Agreement (FSA) of Services for Ex-offenders and Discharged Prisoners was finalised. Since May of this year, the new FSA have been implemented. Integrated Service Centres (ISC) are formerly commenced in strengthening the family members and care givers support work, providing night service and one-stop service with recreation service. Apart from regular subvented services, rehabilitated works for different age groups of ex-offenders have also been developed. Last year, the Society finished the pilot stage of “Project Hope” and the press conference was widely reported by different media. The Society is now looking for suitable funding to expand the Project and to extend the collaborations with other Hong Kong Police Force regional districts except the present New Territories South Regional Police Headquarters. Furthermore, with the funding support from the Correctional Services Department, the Society has continued to provide group work services in the young people correctional institutions and those discharged young people could join our follow up comprehensive services, from “Jockey Club YouChallenge Programme”, “Hang Seng Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme” to multifarious re-training courses. 吳宏增 Andy, NGWang-tsang