2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 84 本著「預防犯罪,從小做起」的理念,社區教育及預防犯罪服務透過 多元化活動,致力減少青少年及社區人士觸犯法紀的機會,締造包 容而安全的社會。義工發展服務著重培訓及推動服務使用者和社會 大眾參與義工服務,貢獻社會,藉此加強社區人士對服務使用者的 認識及接納,同建共融社會。 Based on the rationale “Crime Prevention Education Starts at Young Age”, Community Education and Crime Prevention Service offers diversified crime prevention activities. Multifarious services have been developed for preventing young people and citizens from committing crime, and to build an inclusive and safe society. Volunteer Development Service emphasises to train up and facilitate service users and the general public to participate in volunteer service and contribute to the society. Social inclusive community can be built with more social acceptance and understanding towards our service users. 社區教育及義工服務 Community Education And Volunteer Service