2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 87 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 學校教育活動 與大館合作 — 古蹟教育劇場 本會與大館、香港話劇團合辦古蹟教育劇場予 高小至中學生參加。活動設有兩個主題,分別 是「裕盛辦館毒麵包案」,取材自一八五七年的 一宗案件,讓學生透過角色扮演,認識法治精 神的重要;而「香港廢死之路」則圍繞香港最後 一名被判決的死囚,學生透過劇場,反思違法 對個人、家庭、社會的傷害,同時思考刑罰的 意義。 SCHOOL EDUCATION PROGRAMME Collaborating with Tai Kwun: Heritage Education Courtroom Theatre This year, collaborating with Tai Kwun and Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, CECPS held activities in Tai Kwun’s heritage atmosphere for senior primary to secondary students. The activity offered two themes. Adapted from the Poisoned Bread of Esing Bakery Incident in 1857, through role-playing exercises, students learned about the importance of the rule of law spirits. The other theme “Hong Kong’s Road to Abolishment of Death Penalty” was about the final death row inmate in Hong Kong. Through the theatre, students reflected more on the consequences and implications of one’s criminal behavior, as well as, the meaning of penalty. 同學細心聆聽大館的歷史、建築特色,以及囚犯的獄中生活。 Students focused on listening to the history and architectural features of Tai Kwun, and the life of imprisonment.