2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 7 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 宿舍服務向來是更生工作重要的一環,隨着社 會環境的改變,宿舍服務的運作模式必須與時 並進。今年,本會全面檢討宿舍服務策略,如 何調整輪候、入宿及理順離舍的安排,並如何 與本會的「甦屋計劃」配合,建構延續銜接的住 宿服務,是本會宿舍服務策略焦點。此外,隨 着第三間甦屋在去年十一月啟用,本會社會房 屋計劃漸見規模。今年中,本會成功申請香港 社會服務聯會位於上環士丹頓街的六個社會 房屋單位,營運第四所「甦屋」,計劃安排不同 年齡及背景服務使用者入住,透過共享房屋理 念,改善人際疏離及孤獨感,為「甦屋計劃」注 入新元素及方向。隨着「甦屋」項目不斷增加, 每所「甦屋」所發揮的作用,將按服務使用者需 要而調整,不同「甦屋」項目將構成一個符合不 同需要的綜合自治住宿網絡。「甦屋計劃」運用 社會閒置資源,調動各持份者的義務參與,是 更生或弱勢社群住宿服務的一個具前瞻性及靈 活性的創新安排。 本會得到香港賽馬會慈善信託基金資助一千六 百多萬元,與香港小童群益會聯合推行「藍巴 士賽馬會結伴成長計劃」,並由香港大學社會 工作及社會行政系負責研究。這是一個從未有 過的合作模式,由兩間不同機構聯合進行為更 生人士或面臨起訴人士家庭及子女提供一站 式的全面照顧計劃。計劃得到懲教署的配合, 讓在囚人士與家人保持緊密接觸,而兩所機構 優勢互補,服務接觸面遍及全港。計劃另一目 的是建立一套具效益的運作模式,希望能在業 界推廣及持續發展。一直以來,本會與香港懲 教署緊密合作,為量度本會服務對更生人士所 產生的效益,去年經與署方探討,讓本會進行 第二次曾接受本會服務的更生人士的重犯率調 查,該項調查對檢測本會在提供社會康復服務 的適切性至為重要,亦是服務改進及發展的重 要基礎。 Hostel service is essential for rehabilitation work, and it has to be keeping up with the societal change and development. This year, to map out the continuation of the hostel service is one of our strategic focus. SRACP has a full-spectrum of review on hostel services, including the revamping of the wait-list, moving in and out arrangement, and coordination with the “SoUK Social Housing Project”. The 3 rd SoUK was established in November 2018, and the Society successfully applied the 4 th SoUK from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, which locating at Staunton Street of Sheung Wan with 6 units. It is planned to provide a co- living to a wider range of age and background service users aiming at improving their interpersonal social relationship and loneliness. This is the new injected element and direction for the SoUK Project. Riding on the increasing number of the SoUK units, the functioning of each unit will be vary and plan according to the service users’ needs. An autonomous integrated accommodation network that suits different demands has been built with increasing number of SoUK units. As a forward looking and flexible pioneer accommodation project for the rehabilitated ex- offenders and underprivileged, we have good utilization of the idle social resources and stakeholders’ voluntary efforts. Special thanks to HKJCCT, over HK$16 million has been granted to support the co-worked “Blue Bus Jockey Club Together We Grow Project” (BBJC) with The Boys’ and Girls’ Club Association of Hong Kong. The Department of Social Work and Social Administration of the University of Hong Kong would be responsible for the Project research study. A precedent cooperation model with two NGOs join together to provide comprehensive one-stop service to the families and children of rehabilitated offenders or people under prosecution. With full support and coordination of Correctional Services Department (CSD), the offenders could keep close relationship with the family members through the Project. To establish an effective service operational model is another main objective of the Project. We do believe the service will continue to grow and prosperous. Two NGOs have complemented each other and provided territory-wide services. CSD has long been the close partnership with SRACP, we have explored the possibility to conduct the second time survey of recidivism of the Society’s service users in order to provide an evidence based review of our current services, and as a foundation to explore the necessary service improvement and development plan.