2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 89 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃 2018-2019 「模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃」提供多元化的法治 及公義教育活動,提升青少年對法治、公義、 公民責任等的認識及訓練其獨立批判思考,從 而達致預防犯罪的目標。二零一八至二零一九 年度,本單位得到額外資源,分別開展了兩項 計劃︰ 禁毒教育 @ 模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃 二零一八至二零一九年度,計劃獲得禁毒基金 及黃英豪博士伉儷的贊助,服務了 37 間中學, 當中包括7間群育學校,並有逾 100 名社區義 工及 70 名專業法律人士協助推行。「模」毒城 工作坊及「童話法庭」乃本年度新推出的教育 項目。「模」毒城工作坊透過互動的戲劇教育及 VR 裝置體驗,讓學生反思毒品對個人、家庭及 社會的影響。而「童話法庭」則透過改編童話故 事,帶領學生參與一宗涉及毒品的模擬審訊, 從而了解審訊程序及法治精神。 MOCK TRIAL-JUSTICE EDUCATION PROJECT 2018-2019 Mock Trial-Justice Education Project strives for providing diversified programmes to adolescents so as to deepen students’ understanding of rule of law, social justice and citizenship; and develop their ability of critical thinking. In 2018/2019, CECPS received additional resources and launched two Mock Trial Justice Education Projects. Beat Drugs @ Mock Trial In 2018/2019, the Project received support from Beat Drugs Fund and Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy Wong, it served 37 secondary schools, including 7 schools for social development. The Project was assisted by over 100 community volunteers and 70 legal professionals. “Anti-drug VR workshop“ and “Fairy Tale Court“ were two newly introduced education programmes this year. In “Anti-drug VR workshop“, through drama education approach & VR gears, students could explore the consequences and implications of one’s criminal behaviours in different contexts. Moreover, “Fairy Tale Court“ illustrated a re-adapted fairy tale, in relation to a drug case. Students were invited to participate in a mock trial, and learnt how to analyze a case critically. 學生飾童話法庭內的被告,感受審訊時嚴肅的氣氛。 In the Fairy Tale Court, students played the role of defendants and felt the solemnness during a trial. 學生戴上虛擬實境裝置 (VR) ,體驗毒品帶來的禍害。 Students were using Virtual Reality system to experience the harm brought by drugs.