2018 - 2019 年報

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 90 Junior Police Call @ Mock Trial With sponsorship from Bank of China (Hong Kong), CECPS firstly joined hand with Junior Police Call to launch a Mock Trial Justice Education Project. A total of 20 secondary schools participated in it. A special programme “Detective Experience“, held in Junior Police Call Permanent Activity Centre in Pat Heung was designed. Through exercises like fingerprinting, laser gun shooting, and statement taking, students were more familiar with police’s investigation, and the burden of proof in a criminal case, and thus got well-prepared for the mock trial competition held in Moot Court in Police College. 少年警訊 @ 模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃 承蒙中國銀行(香港)的贊助,本會首次與少年 警訊合作「模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃」,共有 20 間中學參加。當中於元朗八鄉的少年警訊永久 活動中心進行的「刑偵體驗」,為學生帶來別具 一格的學習經驗;學生透過套取指紋、鐳射槍 射擊、撰寫口供等體驗活動,加深對警務工作 的認識,同時亦協助他們掌握控、辯舉證的職 責,為模擬法庭比賽做好準備。最後,學生在 接受法律導師的專業訓練後,於黃竹坑警察訓 練學校進行模擬法庭比賽。 學生在「刑偵體驗」訓練中模擬套取指模的過程。 Students were tracing the fingerprint from the samples in the “Detective Experience” workshop. 學生代入律師、證人、陪審員的角色,於大館的法庭內進行一 場模擬審訊。 Students played the role of lawyers, witnesses, and jurors and conducted a mock trial in Tai Kwun’s courtroom.