2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 93 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 周柏康導演在甦義錄工作坊為義工講解拍攝及錄影技巧 Director Mr. Chow was explaining the shooting and recording skills for volunteers in the Photography and Filming Workshop 「四」放「義」彩 為配合服務使用者的需要及發揮義工所長,本 單位成立四個專責小組;包括:陪診服務、義 剪服務、家居大翻新服務及攝影小組。同時為 提升義工技能,本會舉行「飛短留長義剪工作 坊」和「甦義錄攝影及拍攝工作坊」。 「同行計劃」 為給予服務使用者更多的支持及建立正面的關 係,本會於二零一六年推行同行計劃,配對社 區義工、朋輩實習生及服務使用者組成「我們 仨」。計劃至今已推行第三年,現時除更生人士 外,計劃已推展至長刑期更生人士、性違法者 及復元人士。直至二零一八年,已成功配對 26 組同行計劃。 甦 Life 「甦 Life 」取其名是指更生的生命,活動以更生 人士的故事串連社區導賞活動,目標是讓參加 者以多感官角度經歷過來人的故事,展現更立 體的經歷。現時「甦 Life 」已建立 5 個不同背景的 故事,每個故事訴說更生人士改變的契機、領 悟及反思。直至二零一九年三月已有八個團體 參與導賞活動,來年將開展更多主題的導賞之 旅。 Specialized Volunteer Service To meet the needs of service users and to exert the volunteers’ strength, we held 4 series of specialised volunteer service, “escort services”, “free hair-cut services”, “home refurbishment services” and “photography services”. For enhancing the skills of volunteers, we implemented the “Hair Cutting Workshop” and” Photography and Filming Workshop” , etc. Mentorship Programme In order to give more support and build up a positive relationship with our service users, we launched a mentorship programme in 2016. This scheme has been implemented for 3 years. Apart from ex-offenders, our target has been extended to long-term ex- offenders, sexual offenders and mental health service users. Until 2018, 26 peers and mentees have been successfully paired. So Life “So Life” was named for rehabilitation. It is a series of community guided tours with the stories of the rehabilitated people. We aim to engage participants experiencing the story of rehabilitated people from a multi-sensory perspective. At present, “So Life” has established five stories with different backgrounds. From the story, it tells how the rehabilitated person changed with an opportunity, also their insights and reflection of life. Up to eight groups have participated in the guided tours in March 2019, and more will be launched in the coming year. 義工完成十二星期的情緒管理課程合照留念 Volunteers took a group photo after completing the 12-weeks Emotional Management Course