2018 - 2019 年報

2018–2019 95 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 未來發展重點 Upcoming Development Focus 社會康復及預防犯罪服務 SOCIAL REHABILITATION AND CRIME PREVENTION SERVICE 精神健康服務 UPCOMING DEVELOPMENT FOCUS OF MHS 本會透過以身心靈為重點的服務帶出正面及積 極的訊息,從而增強服務使用者的自尊感,並 減低重犯的機會。未來一年,本會將繼續積極 優化綜合服務,以一站式的手法便利服務使用 者,並擴大支援更生人士的家屬和促進服務使 用者與社區的連繫。此外,本會繼續透過與政 府部門和社會團體的合作,加強為青少年、年 長更生人士、違法者及非華裔人士提供住屋、 戒毒、朋輩支援及預防愛滋病等服務。本會亦 加強服務質素管理,優化電腦系統以提升工作 效率,並為服務發展提供更多數據。 We develop services with the theme on positive well-being for our services users so as to enhance their dignity and prevent recidivism. In the coming year, we continue to develop Integrated Service Centres to provide one-stop service for the users and also to strengthen family intervention as well as community involvement. Besides, we shall keep enhancing supporting services in accommodation, drug rehabilitation, peer supporting and AIDS prevention for needy youth and elderly ex-offenders, people in conflict with law and ethnic minorities through more collaboration with Government departments and social organisations. With adoption of offender information system, the management of service quality and work efficiency will be further enhanced with the most updated service data being accessed. 為加強支援小組族裔之工作,本會除了聘用少 數族裔社工之外,亦會與會內及會外少數族裔 服務合作,加強協同效應。除了一般復元人士 外,會方亦加強服務支援予復元人士照顧者、 青少年及兒童等,以鞏固不同家庭成員之復原 力量。各服務單位繼續試驗及推行復原工作, 配合多元化的活動及治療性小組,加強朋輩支 援及復元人士參與,促進他們的身心健康。最 後,為配合筲箕灣宿舍重建計劃,本會其他三 間中途宿舍將於本年起共增加三十個臨時宿 位,同時將筲箕灣宿舍部份人手調職至該開三 間宿舍,以保持服務質素。 The Society has employed social worker with ethical minority background to deliver quality service to this target group. Also, we will enhance collaboration with same services within and outside the Society to build up greater synergy. The Society will strengthen support to caregivers, youths and children to consolidate the family capability to support the recovery of our service users. The service units will continue to test and implement recovery practice, added with the multifarious programmes and therapeutic groups to promote the well- being of our service users. Lastly, due to the re-development of Shau Kew Wan House, in situ expansion will be proceeded in the other 3 halfway houses to increase 30 places in total. Some staff will be reshuffled to these houses to sustain the quality of service.