
8 The project ended on 24 June 2020 and had reached 3,496 street sleepers while 1,119 users had rested on the coach and 304 users had been conveyed to guesthouses. The project provided the needy not only one-off assistance but to spot our potential service users and refer them to other services if they required more long- term assistance. Toy Library Thanks to the Hong Kong Jockey Club “COVID-19 Emergency Fund”, the Society started providing Toy Library Service at eight service units to provide multiple choices of toys, books and learning resources, which were suitable for toddlers and elementary students from 16 April to 30 June 2020 in response to school suspension due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and with the hope that they would find some joy during the stay at home period, as well as to enhance the relationship between family members and relieve the stress of the caregivers. By the end of the project, 935 needy families and 4,558 target users were benefited. Service Enhancement The concepts highlighted in the Risk-Need-Responsivity model and Good Lives Model (GLM) have been incorporated and adopted in the therapeutic groups or programmes of the Social Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Service to reduce recidivism and promote crime desistance in ex-offenders since 2015. Through these therapeutic groups or programmes, the Society helps ex-offenders to live positively and pro-socially by supporting them to set pro- social life goals — for example family reunion — and remove those pro-criminal factors like antisocial attitudes and emotional management in their current lives. In the coming years, the concept of GLM will be extended to individual casework in the Integrated Service Centres as well as groups or programmes in the correctional institutions so as to further enhance our service impact. The Recovery Model has been implemented in our Mental Health Service to serve the persons in recovery (PIR) with a strength-based approach, which focuses on building resilience of people with mental illness and promoting empowerment and inclusion in the community. On a social level, the Society emphasises empowerment, social inclusion and equity that promotes mutual respect and recognition in the community and advocates social awareness on the issues as well as the rights of PIR. 本計劃於今年六月二十四日完結,期間共接觸 受助對象 3,496 人次,當中有 1,119 人次使用旅 遊巴短暫休息服務、 304 人次使用入住持牌賓 館服務。此項新服務不僅為有需要人士提供一 次性服務,更有助識別更多潛在的服務使用 者,並於適當時候將其轉介給相關服務機構, 以便讓他們能夠得到長期及適當的支援及協 助。 玩具圖書館 本會由衷感謝香港賽馬會「新冠肺炎緊急援助 基金」支持,於今年四月十六日至六月三十日 期間在本會 8 個服務單位中推行了名為「玩具圖 書館」的創新服務,為受疫情影響而無法上課 的弱勢學童提供適切的學習資源,讓他們能在 「疫境」中繼續學習,同時為有需要的家庭提供 玩具娛樂,紓解鬱悶的情緒,促進家庭成員間 的互動和溝通,也減輕照顧者的壓力。本計劃 於今年六月三十日完結,期間共為 935 個有需 要的目標家庭提供服務,服務共 4,558 人次。 秉持信念 堅守服務 本會自二零一五年起,以「危機 – 需要 – 反應模 式」和「美好生命模式」 (GLM) 整合的理念,設計 以減低罪犯重犯為目標的小組,以 GLM 模式協 助服務使用者設立人生目標,例如重建家人關 係,並透過認知行為治療針對與重犯相關的因 素,如反社會態度及情緒管理,加強其內在及 外在資源,引導他們達成人生目標。來年本會 將在個案工作和懲教院所舉辦的小組上應用 GLM 模式,以提升服務效益。 精神健康服務方面,本會應用「復元模式」,以 優勢為本的介入手法協助精神復元人士重新認 識多方面的自我,探索及發展自己的潛能、價 值及目標,讓他們懷著正面的思維,對未來抱 有希望,從而建立能力和信心面對內在及外在 的挑戰,推動他們轉變,融入社會。在社交層 面上,本會提倡精神復元人士在社會應得到尊 重和認同,公民權利亦應獲得關注及保障,促 進社會公平和諧。