
98 機構傳訊 Corporate Communications 服務概覽 機構傳訊部的職責是通過策略性核心活動,加 強對內、外的合作和溝通,宣傳本會的核心價 值、使命、願景和成就。當中包括聯絡傳媒、 製作刊物、舉辦籌款活動、與持份者溝通、機 構形象管理、處理申訴等工作,以提升公眾對 本會的認識及支持。 Service Overview The Corporate Communications Division (CCD) is responsible to enhance internal and external communication, as well as highlight and promote agency vision, mission, values and achievements through strategic core activities. These include media communication, corporate collaterals production, fund raising events organisation, stakeholder’s communication, agency branding management, complaints handling, etc., to obtain public recognition and support. 致力推廣公共關係 提升本會形象 我們繼續透過不同渠道,宣傳本會多元優質 服務,年內媒體訪問達 45 次,社交媒體發佈 約 200 次。本會新增 Instagram 及 LinkedIn 官方帳 號,加強本會專業與關愛形象及主動接觸不同 層面及年齡的大眾。 除年報外,我們每年製作多份優質的機構刊物 及宣傳片,如每半年出版一次的《善訊》,以呈 現本會服務最新發動向,並讓公眾了解弱勢社 群的需要。為提升本會服務質素,我們亦負責 處理查詢及申訴事宜,履行迅速回覆和跟進的 服務承諾。 年度重點 Highlights of the Year Striving to Promote Public Relations Enhancing Popularity of SRACP In view of further disseminating the diverse and high-quality services of SRACP, CCD continued to implement an omni-channel marketing strategy. During the year, 45 media coverages and around 200 social media posting were recorded. Also, we registered IG and LinkedIn official accounts to reach out more audience, and to reinforce our professional and caring image. In addition to the annual report, we produce high-quality corporate publications and videos, outlining our latest service trends and achievements, and enabling public to understand the needs of disadvantaged groups. To enhance the service quality, CCD is responsible for handling the complaints and inquiries to make sure we follow swiftly according to our service pledge. 本會善用社交媒體,推廣服務 的最新動向,加強與公眾互動。 SRACP make good use of social media networks to promote the latest trends in service, and strengthen our communication and interaction with the public. 本會致力提供優質服務,惠及不同階層社會需要,獲多間傳媒報道。 SRACP is dedicated to provide quality services for the social needs of different strata and received numerous media coverage.