
99 聯繫社群 拓展資源 善導會致力籌募經費發展多元服務,年內舉辦 不同籌款活動,包括二零一九年四月十一日舉 行的「第四屆香港善導會慈善高爾夫球賽」,超 過百多位球手及嘉賓參與,共襄善舉,錄得淨 籌款額約 16 萬元。 由「天龍控股有限公司」、「匯財金融投資控股 有限公司」及「利眾清潔有限公司」聯合冠名贊 助的第七屆「甦 WALK 慈善行‧跑步賽」,原定 於二零二零年一月四日舉行,鑑於當時社會仍 存在許多不確定的因素,經慎重考慮後本會遂 取消,以保障各選手、義工及嘉賓安全。雖然 賽事無奈取消,本會幸獲善長繼續慷慨支持, 共籌得港幣約 53 萬元善款。上述籌得善款將用 於非政府恆常資助項目,包括預防犯罪、高危 青少年及弱勢社群支援服務。 儘管過去一年,香港經歷前所未有的困難與挑 戰,機構傳訊部仍嘗試推展多項全新的籌募活 動,以連繫各界的捐助,包括「婚宴回禮捐贈計 劃」、 AEON 「幸福的黃色小票」、「捐款箱存放計 劃」等,除了資金的籌募,我們也希望公眾透過 不同渠道認識本會服務,繼而支持預防犯罪、 策勵更生、精神復元。我們在此衷心感謝社會 各界對本會的支持。 Reaching Out to the Community Exploring Supports and Resources SRACP carried out various fund-raising events during the year to solicits supports from donors. “The 4 th SRACP Charity Golf” was successfully held on 11 April 2019, with over 100 golfers and guests participated in the tournament for charity while net HK $160,000 was raised. “The 7 th SRACP Walk and Run” was originally scheduled on 4 January 2020, which was jointly sponsored by the Draco Holdings Limited, Finsoft Financial Investment Holdings Limited and Benefit Cleaning Limited. It was cancelled, however, due to the consideration of uncertainty brought by social incidents during the period. It was a difficult decision that the event was called off to ensure stakeholders’ safety. Yet, we are thankful to raise around HK $530,000 with the enthusiastic support from all donors. All the above-mentioned funding would be appointed to support the non-governmental subvention services development, including crime prevention, youth-at-risk group and under-privileged supporting services. We are most grateful for the generosity and donation of all supporting parties despite Hong Kong has experienced unprecedented challenges over the past year which made fundraising very challenging. In addition to holding regular fund- raising events, some new fund-raising initiatives were introduced during the year, including ‘Wedding Donation Scheme’, AEON ‘Yellow Receipt Campaign’, ‘Donation Box Placement Scheme’ etc. , which not only target for fundraising, but also aim to encourage the public to support crime prevention, fostering rehabilitation and mental wellnesses with us hand-in-hand. 本會第四屆香港善導會慈善高爾夫 球賽獲社會各界支持。 The 4 th SRACP Charity Golf was widely supported by different sectors of the society. 本會年內推展多項全 新的籌募活動,連繫各 界的捐助,造福社群。 SRACP carried out a number of new fund- raising initiatives during t h e y e a r t o s o l i c i t support from donors and bring goodness to the community.