
100 善導‧共生 從「甦屋」到「賽馬會箕寓」 Co-living in SRACP, from “ So Uk ” to “ Jockey Club Key House ” With the Hong Kong government’s advocacy, the social housing concept combining the elements of co-housing and co-living has become a new trend in transitional housing in recent years. The Society actively plays the role of a pioneer, operator and planner to develop social housing with special significance. As early as 2017, we connected community stakeholders including landlords, professionals and donors to develop the “So Uk” Project which became one of the pioneers in promoting transitional social housing. 近年在政府大力推動下,共住、共生的社會房 屋概念日漸盛行,本會積極扮演先導者、營運 者及規劃者角色,發展別具意義的社會房屋。 我們早於二零一七年連繫社會不同界別的力 量,包括業主、專業人士和捐助者等,率先推 出「甦屋」計劃,成為推動過渡性社會房屋的先 導者之一。 「甦屋」計劃為更生人士提供適切的過渡性 居所,協助他們重投社會。 “So Uk” Project provides affordable and quality accommodation to ex-offenders to help them get back on tracks. 「甦屋 2.0 」以跨代共住模式推動不同年齡及背景的人士互助共 融,建立模擬家庭支援網絡。 Cross generation co-living model of “So Uk 2.0” aims to promote mutual support among people from different age groups and backgrounds, and help them to create a family-like support network. 「甦屋 2.0 」的共享空間為住客提供多元化的設施,照顧他們的 消閒和個人發展需要。 The various facilities provided in the common area of “So Uk 2.0” address residents’ recreational and personal enhancement needs.