
101 樓高四層的筲箕灣宿舍是一 所特建中途宿舍,為男性精 神復元人士提供過渡性住宿 服務。 The four-storey Shau Kei Wan House was a purpose- built halfway house providing transitional accommodation for male persons in recovery. 在未來的發展藍圖中,「賽馬會箕寓」將會為社區 營造一個交流平台,推動互助和共融社區。 In its future development blueprint, “Jockey Club Key House” will be a communication platform to promote mutual support and inclusion for the local community. 「甦屋」計劃紓緩更生人士的住屋需要,在其過 渡階段提供適切的居所,協助他們重投社區 獨立生活。自二零一七年起,本會發展 3 間「甦 屋」,分別位於油麻地和新蒲崗,至今支援了 28 位獨居更生人士,和 3 位單親媽媽及其子女。 時至今日,本會成為香港社會服務聯會共享房 屋計劃的營運機構之一,在中環士丹頓街開展 第 4 個「甦屋」項目 ─「跨代獨居人士共住計劃」 (甦屋 2.0 ),開展重要里程。計劃為 24 位來自不 同年齡層及背景的獨居人士,提供過渡性住宿 和個人發展機會,同時為服務使用者建立模擬 家庭支援網絡。是次新嘗試正好為本會重建項 目─「賽馬會『拍住上』共居社區計劃」提供發展 基礎。 在未來三年,有廿五年歷史的筲箕灣宿舍將重 建為樓高 22 層的「賽馬會箕寓」共住大樓,為逾 140 名家外青年及精神復元人士提供安全穩定 的居住環境,讓他們得以發展個人潛能,連繫 社區,建立個人和社會資本,規劃人生目標, 為未來創造新機遇。本會期望新大樓會成為地 區人士交流和消閒的場所,推動共融社區。 “So Uk” Project established with an aim to provide affordable and quality housing for ex-offenders, and help them transit to independent living in the community. Since 2017, 3 “So Uks” were established in Yau Ma Tei and San Po Kong. Beneficiaries include 28 ex-offenders, 3 single mothers and their children. Today, we joined the Hong Kong Council of Social Service Community Housing Movement to establish the fourth “So Uk” — “Multi-generational Co-living Housing Project” (So Uk 2.0) which was located in Staunton Street, Central to provide transitional accommodation, personal development opportunities and establish a family-like support network to 24 adult singletons from different age groups and backgrounds. This new attempt also provides valuable experience to the Society’s new redevelopment project — Jockey Club “Craft Your Life Together” Co-living Community Project. In the coming three years, the 25-year-old Shau Kei Wan House will be redeveloped into a 22-storey building named “Jockey Club Key House”. The new co-living building will provide a nurturing living environment to over 140 out-of-home youths and persons in recovery aiming to help them develop personal competencies, establish community connections, as well as build personal and social capitals for a hopeful and meaningful future. It will not only help residents to connect to the community, but also provide a place for community gatherings to promote social inclusion. (構想圖 Rendering )