
105 數據及知識管理 在數據及知識管理方面,我們除了管理本會數 據庫,例如服務資料及數據統一電腦系統,亦 定期收集和分析服務數據。運用大數據分析技 巧,更有系統地剖析會內多個數據庫的資料, 並按分析結果協助各部門提升現時服務,以及 發展新服務。為提倡「知識承傳」的理念,我們 亦出版第三期《善研》,以「蛻變邊緣」為主題, 帶領讀者多角度了解邊緣人士的世界,內容豐 富。 創新發展 為配合本會多元創新發展的方針,我們不時參 考海外及本地文獻,以及會內不同研究分析結 果,協助各服務單位撰寫服務資助招標申請及 計劃書,並成功申請數項服務資助。我們在年 內獲得禁毒基金一項約 80 萬的研究資助,以進 行與更生人士濫藥有關的研究。 Data and Knowledge Management In terms of data and knowledge management, in addition to managing the database of Society, we also analyse the collected data regularly. Following the global trend of big data analysis, we adopted the big data analytic technique in several internal databases this year. The findings generated from these analyses were reported to the corresponding units for service improvement and development. In order to promote the concept of “knowledge inheritance”, we published the third issue of “Sracpology” during this year themed “Breakthrough Margin”. It led readers to experience the living environment of the marginalised persons in Hong Kong from different perspectives. Innovation and Development Innovation and Development are essential element for the Society’s growth. Through literature reviews and the application of the internal research findings, we assisted the Society to compile several project proposals and successfully applied for several service funding. This year, we successfully applied a HK$0.8 million research funding from Beat Drugs Fund to investigate the drug taking issues in ex-offenders in Hong Kong. 今期《善研》以「蛻變邊緣」為主題,並邀請不 同專業人士撰文。 This issue of “Sracpology” focused on the topic of “Breakthrough Margin” and invited different professionals to write articles.