
108 職員福利會 Social Welfare Association 服務概覽 本年度,職員福利會於聖誔節期間舉行職員週 年聚餐,有 155 名同工親屬及委員出席。我們 亦舉辦「馬卡龍製作班」及「日本和諧粉彩體驗 班」,讓同事紓緩工作壓力,並促進不同單位同 工之間互相認識。一如以往,我們組織籃球隊 及足球隊,代表機構出戰社工盃的足球和籃球 比賽;另組織定期排球訓練,鼓勵更多同事參 與運動,強身健體。 Service Overview This year, Staff Welfare Association (SWA) organised annual gathering during Christmas, a total number of 155 colleagues, fellows and committee members joined. Also, we organised “Macarons baking class” and “Nagomi drawing” to facilitate the interaction of staffs from different service units. As usual, we supported our soccer and basketball teams to join the social work cup competitions. Moreover, we continued to organise regular volley ball training for all staffs. 職員和親屬歡聚一堂於職員週年聚餐共渡聖 誕。 Staff and their relatives gathered together to celebrate Christmas at SWA Annual Lunch Buffet. 同事參加「日本和諧粉彩體驗班」尋找平靜,療癒身心。 Staff joined “Nagomi drawing” to seek harmony and healthy balance. 一家大小享受「馬卡龍製作班」的樂趣。 Staff and their relatives enjoyed the “Macarons baking class”.