
10 Jockey Club YouChallenge (JCYC) Programme Funded by “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust”, the JCYC programme aimed to foster active involvement as well as enable positive experiences and exposures for disadvantaged youths through the concept of gamification by providing an array of quests (opportunities and experiences) on the mobile application to facilitate their social interaction. By analysing the data collected until February 2020, around 40% of challengers (the identity given to the players) were those that applied for the app themselves and their score in the risk assessment were higher than those challengers who joined the programme by referral from social workers. The findings also evidenced that using the gamification online platform encouraged participants to adopt more goal-and-future-oriented daily life patterns as well as improved their social skills. The use of online gamification platform proved to be effective to help hidden disadvantaged youths in building positive lives. The preferences and lifestyles of the participants on the gamification platform would be further studied from the data obtained so that our future plans targeting disadvantaged youths could be optimised by reviewing the service design. Second Phase of CLAP for Youth@JC Career and life development is essential for youth so that they can broaden the discourse and practices around success, work, and talent, whereas they can be empowered to make informed and meaningful life and career choices. CLAP for Youth@JC aimed to develop an evidence-based career and life development intervention model in alignment with personal Values, Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge. We are honoured to be one of the strategic partners for the second phase of “CLAP for Youth@JC” which mainly serving young ex-offenders and institutionalised youths aged 15 to 29. In the long term, we envision a society that embraces diversity with multiple pathways, where all young people can find meaning in their lives and make positive contributions. 賽馬會「挑戰你 • 想」計劃 由本會主辦、「香港賽馬會慈善信託基金」贊助 的「賽馬會『挑戰你 • 想』計劃」,透過手機應用 程式為弱勢青年以遊戲的概念建立平台,參加 者於應用程式自由選擇不同任務,完成後便可 累積分數並換取心儀的獎品或體驗機會,從而 創造他們與社會接觸的機會,建立正面的人生 經歷及意義。從研究數據所得,參加者的偏差 行為及犯罪傾向均比主流青年高,約 40% 參加 者更從未獲得社福服務的支援。數據亦顯示, 參加者參與本計劃後人際關係有所改善,生活 作息變得有規律,找到人生方向。由此可見, 以遊戲的概念建立的創新網上介入手法有效吸 引及幫助隱蔽弱勢青年建立正面人生。除此之 外,我們亦會善用是次計劃得到的數據,透過 研究參加者在遊戲平台中展現的喜好及生活模 式,作出服務設計上的檢討,優化本會日後以 弱勢青年為服務對象的計劃。 賽馬會鼓掌 • 創你程計劃 ( 第二期 ) 生涯規劃對青年來說也是一個很重要的自我 發現歷程,在過程中他們能發掘自己獨特的潛 能、興趣,逐步建構人生事業目標及路向,認 清人生方向及社會角色,活出更豐盛的人生。 今年,本會有幸成為「香港賽馬會慈善信託基 金」推行的「賽馬會鼓掌‧創你程計劃」 ( 第二 期 ) 的其中一支地區生涯規劃服務隊,主力服 務年齡 15 至 29 歲年輕更生人士及院舍青年,並 協助建立一套實證有效、以青年為本的生涯規 劃介入模式,推動社會擴闊對成功、工作及人 才的論述及理解,共同孕育一個擁抱多元的關 愛社會,讓青年人有能力配合個人的價值、態 度、技能及知識,作出有意義的人生事業發展 選擇,為社會的持續發展注入創新及向前的動 力。