
11 BEHub “Giving a man a fish is not as good as teaching him to fish.” — the Society is always committed to inspiring and nurturing the disadvantaged and the public to become social entrepreneurs. We are honoured to have been appointed by “The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund)” as an intermediary to design and administer a new innovative programme. We will organise idea generation competitions and support innovative projects at prototype and start-up stages to improve the well-being of local disadvantaged population including ex-offenders, people who are or have been drug abusers, ethnic minorities, youth at risk, people with disabilities, and PIR. Briefing sessions and workshops will be held to bridge the information gap on issues of disadvantaged population. Professional and comprehensive services ranging from group training to individual coaching will be provided before and after funding applications to enable the social innovators to grow and succeed. Launching in September 2020, BEHub is expected to establish a professional infrastructure that facilitate people from different sectors to share knowledge and experiences and provide support to the social innovators. Project HOPE The population of elderly people aged 65 or above has been on the rise. The number of crimes due to mental distress has increased sharply in recent years. A proposal submitted to “Vera Ruttonjee Desai Charitable Fund” was approved to continue our work for Project HOPE. The 2-year project would be commenced in July this year. The project aims to combat the rising number of elderly arrestees by offering holistic intervention for them and their family. Most importantly, we would be able to study the data gained from this project and introduce a more cost-effective intervention approach in responding to aging offenders and advocate policy review on elderly policy in legal and social welfare aspects. 社創社 「授人以魚不如授人以漁」,本會致力啟發及培 育弱勢社群及公眾人士成為社會創業家。有幸 獲「社會創新及創業發展基金(社創基金)」委 聘為協創機構,本會於今年九月透過舉辦意念 醞釀比賽,以及支援原型和初創階段的創新 項目,以創新方案應對弱勢社群(包括更生人 士、現在或曾經濫藥人士、少數族裔、邊緣青 少年、殘疾人士以及精神復元人士等)所面對 有關貧窮與社會孤立的問題。計劃亦會舉辦簡 介會和體驗工作坊,以提供有關弱勢社群議題 的資訊。此計劃會提供專業且全面的小組培訓 及個人諮詢服務協助社會創業家邁向成功。與 此同時,團隊亦會建立專業服務支援網絡,以 促進不同界別人士分享知識與經驗,並為社會 創業家提供支援。「社創社」於今年九月正式啟 動,將促進社會創新者與弱勢社群之間的交流 互動,藉以協助他們解決生活中遇到的困難與 挑戰,從而提升他們的福祉。 耆望計劃 香港社會急速變化, 65 歲或以上長者人口不斷 上升,近年大部份長者面對不少壓力,因精神 困擾而犯事個案急劇上升。新一期「耆望計劃」 得到「維拉律敦治‧荻茜慈善基金」的資助,於 今年七月投入為期兩年的服務。本計劃旨在為 被捕長者與他們的家人提供服務,及早介入和 識別他們的需要,以應對近年不斷急增的長者 犯事個案。與此同時,本會希望透過研究在服 務中所得到的數據,設計及規劃更具成本效益 的社會介入手法來應對犯罪老齡化的現象,並 倡議相關政府部門審視針對長者需要的社會福 利政策,推廣關愛長者文化,共建關愛共融的 社區。