
12 Create Opportunity To facilitate internal synergies and extension of our services to the people affected by social incidents and their families, a task force has been set up to steer the execution of services while all other divisions will provide full support including subsidies for basic living, counselling and employment service. The Society will keep collaborating with various stakeholders in the community to build an inclusive and safe society. As thorough understanding about the new kind of service users in social incidents is required, training is crucial for our front-line workers while findings from research and data analysis will be transformed into practical knowledge for frontline practice and service development that will help service users reintegrate into the society. Transformation of Lives Peer-led programmes have been adopted in different services to facilitate recovery and social integration, including supporting rehabilitated service users from halfway houses participating in peer supporter training courses and inviting them to join the peer supporter reunion group as guest speakers after completion of the courses. Through sharing recovery stories, peer supporters learn to work with different social parties and serve groups with different backgrounds, which in turn, allows them to build a confident and meaningful life. The Society will also apply this approach, combined with years of service experience, to help people who have been arrested or affected by social incidents to rediscover themselves and transform their own experience to help others in similar situation. 創造機會 放眼前路 過去一年發生的社會事件引發一連串問題,本 會除了向社會福利署申請撥款成立為期兩年 的「法院社工服務 2.0 」,亦已於會內成立專責 小組,有效協調資源,為受社會事件影響人士 及其家人提供適切支援,包括就業配對服務、 基本生活津貼及所需的心理輔導等。本會同時 與社會上各個持份者保持緊密溝通合作,結合 各界力量,運用可應用的社會資源,共建穩定 社會。 社會事件同時產生各類新型服務使用者,故此 應用性高的實踐訓練對前線同工極為重要。有 見及此,本會將轉化未來進行的研究及數據分 析所得的結果為實踐理論及知識,培訓同工專 業應對服務使用者的需要,幫助有需要人士重 投社區。 朋輩支援 轉化生命 為更有效幫助服務使用者重投社區,本會在不 同服務範疇發展朋輩主導活動,包括在三間中 途宿舍支持合適服務使用者參與朋輩支援員 訓練課程,並於畢業後加入「朋輩支援員重聚 小組」擔任客席講師,藉個人經歷分享復元故 事,學習與社區組織和團體拹作,服務不同社 群,讓服務使用者從中建立自信及有意義的人 生。本會亦期望以此介入方法,配合多年的服 務經驗,幫助轉化因社會事件被捕或受影響人 士,得到重新發掘自己的機會,將自身經驗轉 化成獨特的服務資歷,幫助「同路人」。