
30 Counselling Service Social workers outreach to all Magistrates’ Courts, The District Court and The High Court to provide counselling service and welfare assistance for individuals and their families who attend the court hearing. Therapeutic Group We organised 3 therapeutic groups especially for people with repetitive stealing problem and youth who committed serious crimes. By adopting Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the Good Live Model, Psychodrama Therapy, Aggression Replacement Training and Mindfulness-based Relapse Prevention Skill, our clinical psychologist and senior social workers assisted participants to extricate from plight and recover with the aid of mutual support group. 法院社工服務法律顧問蕭志文大律師為義 工們提供進階訓練。 Mr. Frankie C.M. SIU, Barrister-at-law, Honorary Consultant (Court Social Work Service) was invited to deliver advanced training to our volunteers. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 個案輔導服務 社工外展到各裁判法院、區域法院及高等法 院,主動接觸涉嫌違法人士、候審人士及其家 屬提供輔導服務。 治療性小組 我們繼續加強專門化服務,今年內舉辦了 3 個 治療性小組,對象分別是有盜竊習慣人士,以 及觸犯嚴重罪行的青少年。由本會臨床心理 學家和資深社工負責,運用認知行為治療、美 好生命模式、心理戲劇治療、情緒道德發展訓 練和靜觀手法協助受困擾人士,期望他們能跳 出困局,與同路人建立互助支持群體,踏上康 復路。 法院社工服務獲香港社會服務聯會 邀請出席「面對刑事程序個案的支 援:社工角色」講座,與約 300 名前 線社工分享經驗及專業交流。 Representative of Court Social Work Service was invited by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service to attend a seminar to share experience in assisting social incidents’ arrestees. 法院義工服務 法院社工透過定期活動和訓練,凝聚不同背景 的社區人士和更生人士參加義工服務,並加強 他們協助候審人士及其家人處理困難的知識和 技巧,宣揚社會關愛訊息。 Court Volunteer Service Court social workers allied people from different backgrounds, including ex-offenders, to provide court volunteer service. Court social workers equipped volunteers with knowledge and skills to alleviate challenges faced by defendants and their families as well as disseminating the message of care within the community.