
31 預防犯罪服務 本年度,我們舉辦了 4 個活動,包括義工基礎 訓練課程、法律常識分享會及「荃葵青區大窩 口鄰舍計劃」。義工真誠友愛的態度獲各方讚 賞,其中義工文德偉先生表現卓越,獲提名參 加香港懲教署舉辦的「非政府機構傑出義工計 劃」。 義務律師諮詢計劃 因資源短缺,現時部份候審人士未能獲得合適 的法律援助,令他們儘管不理解法律條文和原 則,也要獨力完成法律程序。我們遂推出「義務 律師諮詢計劃」招募律師,為候審人士安排周 詳的法律諮詢服務,並由社工協助其完成法律 程序。本年度有 8 位候審人士接受服務。 法院社工服務 2.0 過去一年,本港因修訂《逃犯條例》的草案引發 連串社會事件,大量人士被捕及被起訴,服務 需求因此大增。我們獲社會福利署資助成立專 責團隊,在二零二零年四月起,為因社會事件 被捕人士及其家屬提供輔導及法律諮詢服務, 並紓緩其個人及家庭的福利問題,匡助他們重 投社會。 「耆望計劃」 – 支援違法長者 自二零一六年開展的「耆望計劃」漸見成效,我 們在二零二零年三月成功申請「維拉律敦治‧ 荻茜慈善基金」以延續計劃。新計劃於二零二 零年七月開展,除承接先導計劃的工作外,也 與專業人士合作,為有需要的長者提供背景資 料及專業心理評估,並交予法庭考量。我們會 整合計劃所得的數據進行研究分析,為日後服 務提供前瞻性的建議。 Crime Prevention Service This year, we organised 4 activities, including fundamental training of voluntary work, legal knowledge sharing workshop and “Tsuen Kwai Tsing district-Tai Wo Hau neighborhood project”. The sincereness of our volunteers were appreciated by outside parties. Mr. MAN Tak-wai, one of our renowned volunteers, was nominated for the “Outstanding NGO Volunteer Award Programme” organised by the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department. Free Legal Advice Scheme Due to the limited resources, some defendants who attend court hearings have to go through all legal procedures alone and without appropriate legal aid, even if they don’t have knowledge of legal provisions and principles. We therefore launched the “Free Legal Advice Scheme” which voluntary lawyers were invited to provide legal advice, while our social workers assisted the defendants to complete legal procedures. Eight defendants received the service this year. Court Social Work Service 2.0 Last year, “The Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019” triggered a series of social incidents in Hong Kong. In response to surging service demand by people who were arrested and prosecuted during social incident, we received funding support from the Social Welfare Department to enhance our services. Starting from April 2020, a specialist working team has been formed to provide counselling and legal advice services to arrestees and their families, for assisting them to resolve their welfare problems and to reconnect them into the society. “Project Hope” – Support Elder People Who Are Suspected of Infringing the Law “Project HOPE” launched since 2016 has gradually delivering results, it is further expanded with support from “Vera Ruttonjee Desai Charitable Fund”. Starting from July 2020, apart from undertaking the works from pilot programme, the project will liaise with professionals to prepare arrestees’ assessment reports supplementing with background information for Court’s consideration. The practical experience and data findings from the project research could further inspire the service development with innovations.