
32 Services for ex-offenders were integrated to enhance efficiency. With a new management structure, all service units work closely to offer one-stop, timely and coherent services to facilitate ex- offenders to re-integrate and contribute to the society. 為整合更生人士服務及提高決策效益,本會已 重新規劃更生人士服務。新管理架構下,各服 務單位將更緊密合作,發揮協同效益,使更生 人士可以直接、適時及連貫地接受服務,協助 他們重投及貢獻社會。 釋前輔導服務 Pre-release Preparation Service 服務概覽 本會提供的在囚人士服務包括釋前輔導及其他 活動,透過多元手法和及早介入的策略,協助 在囚人士為出獄作好準備。社工就家庭重聚、 就業準備、居住需要、健康教育等方面,為在 囚人士安排合適的服務和轉介,並在他們離開 院所後妥善跟進。 主要工作 社工會定期到懲教院所會見在囚人士提供釋前 輔導,除了介紹服務,也會與在囚人士共同擬 定出獄後的康復計劃,包括個人適應、情緒支 援、家庭支持、住宿需要、就業、短期生活援 助等。 社工會向成人院所的在囚人士提供愛滋病及血 液傳染病預防教育,並為南亞裔人士舉辦預防 濫藥工作坊。我們會為在囚人士提供家庭支援 服務,及安排已受訓的義工在院所舉辦活動。 此外,我們繼續每月於羅湖懲教所提供 3 種語 言直播節目,題材包括節慶文化、健康訊息、 正面人生觀等。 我們連續六年承辦懲教署於青少年院所的預防 重吸毒品計劃,在 10 間青少年院所及戒毒所推 行 36 個小組。這有助本會拓展接觸青少年在囚 人士的機會,及透過各種手法鞏固他們刑滿獲 釋後遠離毒品的決心。本年度,我們繼續與香 港大學犯罪學中心承辦成年在囚人士康復更生 需要的服務,以美好生命模式為主題,除了提 供專題小組服務外,亦以實證方法研究小組的 成效。 Service Overview Our services for prisoners include Pre-release Preparation Service and programmes conducted by various service units. By adopting early intervention and multi-dimensional models, we assist inmates in their preparation for discharge. Services including family support, employment training, accommodation and health education for prisoners before and after they are discharged. Major Tasks Social workers paid regular visits to penal institutions of Correctional Services Department (CSD), enabling the inmates to learn more about the multifarious services of the Society, preparing the discharge plans, and providing counselling and referral services for areas including adjustment, emotional support, family relationship, accommodations, employment, and short- term financial support. Moreover, social workers conducted educational talks regarding the prevention of AIDS and blood-borne diseases and organised drug prevention workshops for South Asians inmates. We also provided various family support services for prisoners, and organised activities for prisoners together with trained volunteers. Furthermore, we continued to broadcast a monthly live TV programme in three languages at Lo Wu Correctional Institution, covering topics such as cultural and festive events, health education and positive attitude. A drug relapse prevention programme for 36 groups in 10 youth institutions and adult drug addiction treatment centre of the CSD was relaunched to extend our reach to young offenders. In the past six years, through various forms of intervention, the message of refraining from drug relapse was conveyed to strengthen their determination. Besides, we provided services for adult prisoners with rehabilitative needs in partnership with the Centre of Criminology of the University of Hong Kong and to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention groups on reducing re-offending risk through Good Lives Model. 綜合更生康復服務 Integrated Service for Ex-offenders