
5 To Enhance Efficiency SRACP must keep pace with rapid social changes. Our services cover a wide range of targets from the young to the seniors. It is a big challenge to cope with this age variation. In response, SRACP develops enhanced programmes, such as “Project HOPE” to support arrested persons aged over 60 and their families. There are also other projects sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club, like “CLAP for Youth@JC”, for young persons. We shall strive to develop easily accessible communication channels to provide timely responses to the urgent needs of our clients. To Develop Service Indexes Our services are rooted in various districts. We have established trust and mutual assistance with other organisations. We plan to develop quantitative indexes to assess the effectiveness of these services. These data will hopefully be a useful reference for the general public, government agencies and other NGOs. We wish this would contribute in making Hong Kong a more “safe and inclusive society”. To Facilitate Career Development Our staff is the most important asset. The SRACP has always encouraged self-enhancement and career development. By providing more job rotations, job attachments, job shadowing, we ensure that our staff is exposed to different modalities of services. This would maintain enthusiasm at work and expand career development opportunities. It would also provide training to enhance clinical and management skills. This approach would maintain continuity of competence in the SRACP. “To develop a safe and inclusive society” is our vision. I believe this is shared by everyone in Hong Kong. However, to resolve the current conflicts, the cooperation and mutual trust from all sectors are paramount. We sincerely urge you to come forward and strive to build a better future. 提升效能 社會在變,本會必須與時並進。各類服務的對 象除了老齡化外,也出現急速年輕化的現象, 如何回應青年社群的需求,是很大挑戰。因 此,在原有服務上,我們新增更適切的內容, 包括支援 60 歲以上被捕長者及其家人的「耆望 計劃」和支援青年的「賽馬會鼓掌 • 創你程計 劃」等,盡量建立更方便的溝通渠道,「急服務 使用者所急」,是全體同工的承諾。 建立指標 本會的服務已經在不同地區扎根,與合作伙伴 間建立了信任及互助。我們期望將服務成效化 為客觀的量化指標,給社會大眾、政府機構及 合作伙伴參考,為邁向「安全而包容的社會」提 供助力。 培育人才 一眾同工是本會最重要的資產。本會一直鼓勵 同工自我增值,未來更會提供更多機會,讓同 工嘗試不同服務種類,一來保持工作的新鮮 感,二來令個人發展更加全面,還可提升同工 的臨床技能及培訓同工的管理能力,讓各人有 不同的發展機會。從機構的長遠發展而言,也 能確保穩定的人力資源。 我們的願景是「致力締造包容而安全的社會」, 相信也是現今社會的期盼。然而,我深信化解 紛爭,必須集各階層的努力,必須互信互助, 方能勇往直前,締造更好的未來。