69 服務概覽 職業治療服務以復元和融合為目的,為受精 神、肢體、情緒或行為問題困擾的復元人士提 供機能評估及職業治療服務,藉此提高他們的 活動機能(自我照顧、家居及社區生活、身心健 康保養及工作能力),以發揮其最大能力,協助 他們重整生活規律,並建立健康及富意義的生 活模式,重新融入社區。服務對象主要為本會 龍澄坊、朗澄坊的復元人士。此外,職業治療 師亦為本會其他服務單位提供專業諮詢服務, 並參與研究、職員培訓及實習培訓等工作。 服務數據 Service Data 職業治療服務 Occupational Therapy Service Service Overview With the aim of promoting recovery and reintegration, the Occupational Therapy Service provides functional assessments and treatments for persons in recovery (PIR) who suffer from psychological, physical, emotional or behavioural disturbances, to optimise their occupational performance (self-care abilities, domestic and community living, health and wellness maintenance and vocational functioning) and assist them in achieving healthy and meaningful lifestyle, and ultimately to facilitate successful reintegration into the community and pave the way for their recovery. 在龍澄坊提供的職業治療服務總節數 Total no. of service session in Vitality Place 在朗澄坊提供的職業治療服務總節數 Total no. of service session in Placidity Place 為其他單位提供的職業治療服務總節數 Total no. of service sessions provided to other units of the Society 1,487 992 36 21 為香港懲教署小欖精神病治療中心 提供的職業治療服務總時數 Total no. of Occupational Therapy Service hours at Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre 811 為本會及會外專業人員提供培訓總節數 (每節 3 小時) Total no. of training sessions provided to staff of the Society and external agencies (3 hours per session)
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