
70 職業治療服務為朋輩支援員訓練課程畢業生、復元人士,以及 宿舍同工提供大笑健身帶領員培訓証書課程。 Occupational Therapy Service organised Laughter Fitness Leader Training Certificate Course for our peer graduates, PIR and Halfway Houses staff. 為小欖精神病治療中心提供職業治 療服務 職業治療服務團隊今年繼續為小欖精神病治療 中心定期提供服務。職業治療師對所員進行評 估,並向中心的醫護團隊提供報告;及為所員 提供不同的訓練及治療小組,讓他們參與日間 活動時亦能培養興趣,以促進其復元進程。 提供多元化治療小組 職業治療師在本會的精神健康綜合社區中心舉 辦不同的治療小組、健康教育講座、日間職業 訓練等,促進復元人士的全人發展及健康。今 年,我們新增恒常氣功及健體運動組,亦舉辦 瑜伽及舞蹈小組,提升復元人士身心健康及幸 福感。我們更舉辦大笑健身帶領員培訓証書課 程,冀復元人士可轉化為服務提供者。 Provision of Occupational Therapy Service at Siu Lam Psychiatric Treatment Centre The Occupational Therapy Service team continued to provide regular service at Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre during this year. Periodic evaluations on the functional performance of inmates were conducted and presented regularly at the multi-disciplinary case conference. We also hosted various trainings and therapeutic programmes for inmates to improve their functioning through participation and interest development, thus to pave the way for their recovery. Provision of Diversified Therapeutic Groups for PIR Various therapeutic groups, health educational talks and day training workshops were organised by occupational therapists in the Integrated Community Centres for Mental Wellness, aiming to promote holistic well-being and development of PIR. This year, we newly established a regular Health Qigong and Fitness programme together with yoga and dancing groups to facilitate service users by improving overall mind-body fitness and to enhance the psychological well-being. We also held a Laughter Fitness Leader Training Certificate Course this year, with the expectation of PIR could be transformed into service providers. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 職業治療師為復元人士的子女舉辦情緒調節 心理教育活動,教導他們描述和表達情感。 Occupational therapists held an emotional regulation psychoeducation programme to guide PIR’s children to describe and express their emotions.