
78 Thanks to the support from the Dog Dog BnB, Youth Empowerment & Entrepreneurship Service organised “Animals Adoption Micro-entrepreneurship competition 2019” aiming to arouse the public awareness of animal abandonment. We provided various training such as proposal writing, product shooting, online marketing, financial skills, and kennel visiting. 2 disadvantaged youths from entrepreneurial service won the competition. Service Quality Control and Effectiveness Measure The Society was honoured with various awards this year, including the ERB Manpower Development Scheme had successfully passed the onsite management audit of ERB ’Comprehensive Annual Audit System’ and achieved ’Level One’, the highest ranking. Also, we were recognised as the “ERB Outstanding Award for Placement Services” at the ERB Annual Award Presentation Ceremony. While our trainers and employers received the “ERB Outstanding Award for Trainers” and “ERB Outstanding Award for Employers” respectively. To review the services systematically, the “Social Impact Measurement” was first incorporated into “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme” for the project achievement. The result showed that the scheme has helped youths to increase their self- awareness of career path, and contributed to have a new achievable plan for their life-planning goals. Through the database of the App of Jockey Club YouChallenge Programme, we successfully analysed massive amount of data about the pattern of usage and profile of the users, so as to help us to timely grasp the users’ needs. The research outcome will be announced in late 2020. Professional Development “Design for Hong Kong” was invited to conduct a design thinking workshop as a branch retreat, and hosted at the Singapore-based social enterprise “Dignity Kitchen”. As a multi-disciplinary team, we were trained with design thinking so that we could be more collaborative and creative to co-create user-orientated services. In response to the professional development need for our front-line staff, we conducted case conference regularly to strengthen the exchange of theory and application in every working units. To better support staff in rendering service, we adopted various approaches including “Strength-based Approach”, “New Reality Therapy”, “Emotional-focused Therapy” and “Career Planning”. 由狗狗民宿支持,青年培育及創業服務主辦了 「動物領養橋小型創業比賽 2019 」,以提升公眾 對被遺棄動物的關注。比賽為參加者提供撰寫 計劃書、產品拍攝、網上推廣及探訪本地狗場 等培訓及活動。當中兩位參與本會創業服務的 弱勢青年獲得獎項。 服務質素監察及成效研究 本會年內榮獲不同獎項,包括在僱員再培訓 局周年審計獲最高「第一組」評級;以及在僱員 再培訓局年度頒獎禮 2019–20 上榮獲「 ERB 課程 管理獎」及「 ERB 就業服務獎」;而本會導師及僱 主分別獲得「 ERB 傑出導師獎」及「 ERB 傑出僱主 獎」。 為更有效回顧服務成效,我們首次於「恒生青 年前路探索計劃」引入「社會影響評估」監察計 劃成效。結果指出本計劃有助青少年更了解自 己職業取向,從而制定可達成的生涯目標。另 外,我們深入分析賽馬會「挑戰你 • 想」計劃的 大數據,總結出數據為本的有效服務模式,並 具體掌握服務使用者的需要,研究結果將於二 零二零年發佈。 專業發展 我們邀請 Design for Hong Kong 進行設計思維工 作坊,作為年度退修活動,並安排在來自新加 坡的社企「廚尊」舉行,鼓勵跨專業團隊加強合 作及創意思維,共同建構以人為本的服務。為 推動前線員工的專業發展,我們定期進行個案 會議,加強各小隊的理論及實踐交流,分別以 「強項為本」、「新現實治療法」、「情緒導向治 療」,及「職涯規劃」等理論支援員工提供服務。