
80 Jockey Club YouChallenge Programme — Gulliver’s Tra-lenge The programme hosted the annual game day as the large scale programme this year. A total of 47 challengers and 27 volunteers joined, allowing disadvantaged youths as challengers, to learn team spirit and self-actualisation by completing a lot of quests. Refresh Temple Street Market “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme” held a two-day bazaar in August 2019, including handcraft workshop, talent show, and 27 booths. The youths showed their energy and capability on preparation, promotion, and operation of the activity. “The Wind ‧ So-Dragon” Project Our Society was supported by “K&K Charity” to form a dragon boat team which comprised of the service users (rehabilitated persons and marginalised groups included), staff from the Society, partners (employers and programme trainers included), youths-at-risk and young entrepreneurs. Through participating in the dragon boat race, team members gather to set clear goals and go through a more-than-2-months training, in order to strengthen their fitness, perseverance, team spirit and problem-solving abilities, which applied to their daily lives and working environments. This year, we joined 2 competitions and finally won the 7 th and 3 rd places respectively. 賽馬會「挑戰你‧想」計劃 — 大人國戰記 計劃年內舉辦了一年一度大型競技遊戲日,共 有 47 名挑戰者及 27 名義工參加,讓弱勢青年透 過團隊合作,挑戰自我,完成眾多任務。 青新廟街市集 恒生青年前路探索計劃於二零一九年八月舉行 一場為期兩天的市集,包括手藝工作坊、表演 及 27 個攤檔。由籌備到活動當天,青年協助籌 備、宣傳、活動運作,以行動展現青年的活力 及能力。 「逆風‧甦龍」計劃 本會獲「建灝慈善基金」支持,再次組織龍舟隊,隊員除包 括服務使用者(更生人士、邊緣社群、及弱勢青年)、本會同 工以及合作夥伴(僱主及計劃導師)外,更加入邊緣青年及 創業青年。我們希望藉著參與龍舟比賽與隊員訂立清晰目 標,透過超過兩個月的龍舟鍛鍊及團隊活動,提升隊員的 體能和毅力、團隊合作精神及解難能力,從而延伸至他們 日常生活及工作之中。在本年度兩次比賽中,分別奪得第 七名和第三名的成績,令人鼓舞。 賽馬會「挑戰你‧想」計劃 — 大人國戰記期間的任務挑戰。 Challengers were taking quests in the Annual Game Day- Gulliver’s Tra-lenge of Jockey Club YouChallenge Programme. 恒生青年前路探索計劃 — 青新廟街市集 Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme — Refresh Temple Street Market