
82 Cleaning Business BS focused on developing its household, office and hostel cleaning market by providing one-off in-depth cleaning, stain removal and waxing, and pest control services, which were different from those provided by domestic helpers. These services can tap into community resources and create more development opportunities for the underprivileged. Its cleaning service provided 3,714 job opportunities and generated a total transaction amount of HK$1,594,347.8. Exhibition Business BS continued to collaborate closely with the AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited in providing manpower support for large- scale exhibitions, concerts, banquets and events, thus providing stable jobs to set up the core staff team of more than 20 ex- offenders and others underprivileged. Furthermore, its business scope had been extended through the brand of Smart Exhibition to other outside events and exhibition in order to create more different job opportunities. This year, 2,571 job opportunities were provided while the total transaction amount reached HK$2,022,448.33. Maintenance Service Business With the support of “SIE fund”, Good Harvest Maintenance Service started to operate under BS in early 2017. Good Harvest aims to improve the household safety of the elderly and people with disability by providing low-price maintenance service. We provide apprenticeship and job opportunities to ex-offender and persons in recovery who would receive on-the-job training under the instruction of maintenance technician, so that they would be able to develop their careers in this maintenance field. We provided quality maintenance and renovation services to general households and corporate customers with reasonable price. This year, the business offered total 49 job opportunities with a total transaction amount of HK$27,098. 清潔業務 明朗積極拓展家居、辨公室及院舍清潔市場, 提供一次性深層潔淨、洗地打蠟及特效無臭滅 蟲服務,與一般家務助理不同。此服務善用社 區的生產力,為弱勢社群提供更多發展機遇。 清潔業務年內提供 3,714 人次就業機會,總營 業額為港幣 $1,594,347.8 元。 展覽業務 明朗繼續與亞洲國際博覽館緊密合作,於大 型展覽、演唱會、宴會及其他活動提供人力支 援,使不少更生人士獲得穩定工作,核心團隊 成員由 20 多名更生人士及其他弱勢社群人士組 成。明朗與時並進,以 Smart Exhibition 品牌拓展 其他活動及展覽業務,創造不同工作機會。展 覽業務年內帶來 2,571 次工作機會,總營業額 為港幣 $2,022,448.33 元。 綜合維修業務 「好修成」綜合維修服務得到「社創基金」的贊 助,於二零一七年投入運作,為長者及殘疾人 士提供優惠的家居維修服務,改善其家居安 全。我們亦聘請更生人士及精神復元人士為維 修技工助理,安排專業維修技工以師徒形式指 導,讓他們未來可一技旁身。另外,我們以合 理收費為一般家庭、商業客戶提供裝修及維修 服務。本年度提供 49 人次就業機會,總營業額 為港幣 27,098 元。