
83 Bakery — SoBakery SoBakery was in operation at Hing Man Estate, Chai Wan since May 2018, with the aim to promote the concept of social inclusion, providing 16 employment and training opportunities to ex-offenders and others underprivileged during this year. While the business was getting on track, SoBakery not only provided healthy bakery products with high quality, but also produced moon cake as well as offered bulk purchases and tailor-made bakery products services for corporates and organisations. A total transaction amount of HK$1,122,157.60 was generated. In the early stages of COVID-19 outbreak, with donation of Draco Human Resources Management and support from its volunteers, SoBakery distributed 1,000 anti-epidemic packs and cash coupon of SoBakery to the elders aged over 65 in Hing Man Estate, hoping to bring care and concern to the community. 烘焙業務 — 「甦爐」 明朗自二零一八年五月於柴灣興民邨營運麵包 咖啡店「甦爐」,推廣社會共融,年內共為 16 名 更生人士及其他弱勢社群人士提供在職培訓及 工作機會。「甦爐」生意漸上軌道,除售賣不含 人造改良劑的麵包餅點外,亦推出自家品牌月 餅,以及為公司、幼稚園提供大量訂購及到會 服務,並度身訂製烘焙類禮品服務,本年度總 營業額為港幣 $1,122,157.6 元。 在新冠肺炎疫情初期,「甦爐」獲善心企業天龍 人力資源管理有限公司捐助,並派出義工支 持,在興民邨派發 1,000 個防疫包及「甦爐」消費 劵予 65 歲以上長者,將關懷帶進社區。 天龍人力資源管理有限公司捐助抗疫物資,並派出義工,聯 同興民邨街坊義工向長者派發防疫包。 Volunteers from donor, Draco Human Resources Management and Hing Man Estate Resident Association helped to distribute anti- epidemic bags to the elders. 甦爐提供到會服務。 Catering service provided by Sobakery.