
87 模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃 2019–2020 「模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃」提供多元法治及 公義教育活動,以提升青少年對法治、公義、 公民責任等的認識,及訓練其獨立批判思考, 從而達致預防犯罪的目標。本年度,計劃獲黃 英豪博士伉儷贊助,以「原點」為主題,鼓勵學 生從中追本溯源,探索法治、公義的涵義和價 值,思考建立法治社會的本意。學校報名反應 熱烈,參加名額由 28 間增加至 36 間學校,其中 5 間為首次參與。 Mock Trial-Justice Education Project 2019-2020 Mock Trial-Justice Education Project strives for providing diversified programmes to adolescents so as to deepen their understanding of rule of law, social justice and citizenship; and develop their ability of critical thinking. This year, the Project received support from Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy Wong. We developed the theme “origin” which encouraged students to explore the original meaning and importance of rule-of-law and reconsider the reasons for having a society with rule of law. Due to overwhelming response, the participating school quota was increased from 28 to 36 schools in which five of them were newly enrolled. STAR Theatre “Our Mothers” received waves of optimal feedback, encouraging us to re-arrange “Debris of memories: Our Mothers 2.0”, which was about motherhood and stories in relation to mother. Four performances were held at the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre and attracted a total of 400 audiences. 甦星劇團 劇目《論盡我阿媽》細膩的情節鼓動人心,好評如潮。我們 遂重新編排《記憶碎片 — 論盡我阿媽 2.0 》,講述不同角色與 母親之間的故事和經歷,並於二零一九年六月日假賽馬會 創意藝術中心演出 4 場,吸引共 400 名觀眾入場。 童心童樂合唱團 成立近 14 年的童心童樂合唱團,一直以歌聲宣揚滅罪與共融的訊息。合唱團本年度首度創作一首名為 《青春的覺醒》的團歌,由林子揚先生作曲,黃明樂小姐填詞。歌曲以輕快的旋律和正面的歌詞,傳遞自 信、熱情、拼勁、夢想等青春正能量。 Choir By now, SRACP Choir has been established for 14 years, to promote the messages of crime prevention and social integration. This year, we launched our first choir song “Awakening of Youth” which was composed by Mr. Paul Lin and written by Miss Wong Ming-lok. The song conveyed the energy of youth, including self-confidence, enthusiasm, determination, dreams, etc., through brisk melody and positive lyrics. 法律導師指導學生準備模擬法庭比賽。 Legal professional coaches provided intensive training for students to prepare the mock trial competition.