
7 Support and Training for Staff Our staff’s mental health during this volatile epidemic is also our priority. The Society has appointed an independent service provider to provide Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) services to all regular staff and their immediate family members since 2014. The EAP service provided professional personal counselling and consultation which offered our staff support and assistance to overcome the anxiety and frustration during the epidemic. In addition, “Handling Anxiety and Stress under epidemic” workshop was held by our clinical psychologists for staff in April 2020 which aimed to help our staff manage anxiety and stress caused by COVID-19. The skills our staff learned could also be applied to their daily life and work in the future. During the epidemic, various online workshops and trainings were launched in the field for NGOs to sustain social services in this severe situation. Our staff were encouraged to attend the workshops which facilitated the team to start online activities with the use of Information and Communications Technology in the epidemic. In the meantime, activities and groups were held online not only to maintain our services but also to encourage our service users to make good use of technology to connect with the community. Different videos introducing knowledge of fighting the virus are also uploaded on social media to maintain our connection with service users. Services Developed Under COVID-19 The epidemic not only triggered challenges and inconveniences, but also created new service demands in the community. Innovative services were launched in response to the service needs derived from the epidemic and these services have provided timely assistance to our service users. Love Delivery 24-hour fast food chains had long been “shelters” for street sleepers or homeless people including our service users. Amid the outbreak of COVID-19, the shops had adjusted their operating hours which put the homeless in undesirable health and safety situations without available assistance from the community. Funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club “COVID-19 Emergency Fund”, the Society launched the “Love Delivery Under COVID-19” programme in May 2020 at two service units in Kowloon district by taking 60-seat coaches to designated spots in Yau Tsim Mong district and Sham Shui Po with outreach teams approaching street sleepers to provide appropriate assistance. The two teams stopped at different points to provide the street sleepers with protective items, drinks and food as well as personal care assistance. Eligible service users were conveyed to rest at licensed guesthouse under adverse weather conditions. 同工支援及訓練 疫情壓境,本會同樣關注同工精神健康。本會 早於二零一四年便委託獨立機構為全體同工及 其直系家屬提供僱員支援服務。在疫情期間, 該服務為同工提供個人諮詢及輔導服務,當同 工有需要時,協助和支援他們渡過使人焦慮不 安的逆境。此外,本會臨床心理學家於今年四 月為同工舉辦名為「疫情下處理焦慮及壓力」的 工作坊,希望透過專業的培訓及支援,讓同工 能夠正面應對疫情為他們帶來的焦慮及壓力, 並學習如何管理生活中種種由「不確定」衍生的 情緒問題,同工在工作坊所學到的技巧日後亦 能應用於日常生活及工作中。 受疫情影響,為讓社福機構仍能繼續提供服 務,業界舉辦了多項有關資訊及通訊科技的網 上工作坊及訓練。本會鼓勵同工積極參與網上 訓練,並致力推動將資訊及通訊科技的技術應 用於前線服務及活動上。本會多個活動及小組 均改為線上進行,除了可以盡量減低疫情對服 務的影響,同時鼓勵服務使用者善用現代科 技,打破地域限制,與社會各界聯繫及互動; 同工也在各服務中心拍攝不同抗疫資訊短片, 並上載至社交媒體及網上平台,以維持與服務 使用者的接觸。 疫情下開展創新服務 疫情除了為生活帶來不便,亦導致社會產生新 的服務需求。本會迅速應對疫情衍生的服務需 要,展開創新的服務,為弱勢社群及本會服務 使用者提供適切幫助。 愛心蜜蜜送 二十四小時連鎖快餐店長期以來都是街頭露宿 者或無家可歸人士的「庇護所」,當中包括我們 的服務對象「更生人士」。由於疫情爆發,使大 部分連鎖快餐店縮短了營業時間,無家可歸的 弱勢社群因而失去容身之所。在缺乏社會支援 的情況下,他們只能流離於衛生及安全狀況欠 佳的環境。承蒙香港賽馬會「新冠肺炎緊急援 助基金」的資助,本會於今年五月在九龍區推 出名為「愛心蜜蜜送」的創新服務,安排旅遊巴 走訪油尖旺及深水埗一帶,為服務使用者提供 流動休息站及適切的支援。服務除了向露宿人 士提供抗疫物品、食物及飲料和個人護理支援 外,還會於天氣惡劣的情況接載合資格的服務 使用者到持牌旅館暫宿。