
88 Collaborating with Tai Kwun: Heritage Education Courtroom Theatre We continued to collaborate with Tai Kwun to hold activities at Tai Kwun’s heritage atmosphere. The activity offered two themes named “The Yu Shing Poison Bread Incident” and “The Road to Abolishment of Death Penalty in Hong Kong” for senior primary to secondary students. Through the theater and role play exercises, students could learn about the importance of the rule of law spirits. Also, it encouraged students to reflect on the consequences and implications of one’s criminal behaviour as well as the meaning of penalty. 與大館合作:古蹟教育劇場 我們連續第二年成為大館的合作伙伴,為高小 至中學生提供古蹟教育劇場。活動設有兩個主 題,包括「裕盛辦館毒麵包案」及「香港廢死之 路」,讓學生透過劇場及角色扮演,認識法治精 神的重要,以及反思違法對個人、家庭、社會 的傷害,同時思考刑罰的意義。 學生扮演太平紳士與「香港廢死之路」中的死囚直接對談。 Students played the role of Justice of the Peace and had direct dialogues with a death row inmate in Tai Kwun Heritage Education Activity “The Road to Abolishment of Death Penalty in Hong Kong”. 同工帶領學生遊覽大館,講解昔日的監獄生活。 Our workers introduced the life of imprisonment during the Tai Kwun guided tours. 露天操場換上彩色地面,隱藏著一株幼苗,象徵青衞谷培育 良好品格的使命。 The newly paved colorful ground hides a seedling, symbolizing TGV’s mission of cultivation of good character. Service Environment Enhancement This year, Teen Guard Valley Crime Prevention Education Centre (TGV) revitalised its facilities with the aims to provide a safer and more comfortable experiential space for service users. We renovated some impaired facilities such as wire fences, installed outdoor lighting equipment, and replaced new soft rubber surfacing for the outdoor playground. 改善服務環境 為提升服務的環境及質素,青衞谷預防犯罪教 育中心在本年度進行了小型翻新工程,包括更 換部份損毀設施,例如鐵絲網、加裝了戶外照 明設備;以及更換露天操場的彩色膠粒地面, 冀為服務使用者提供一個更安全和舒適的體驗 空間。