
92 義工培訓 為加深義工對本會服務的認識,我們每年舉行 兩次大型義工訓練,當中包括義工聚會及服 務簡介會。之後,義工可繼續報讀基礎訓練課 程,了解服務使用者的特性及需要,學習基本 溝通技巧和注意事項。義工可再按興趣報讀不 同範疇的專題訓練課程,深入了解不同服務使 用者的狀況及應對技巧,繼而開展服務。我們 本年度成功招募 67 名新的社區義工。 Volunteer Training We conduct two mass volunteer trainings annually, including volunteers meeting up and briefing session to consolidate the knowledge of volunteers in our services. After the completion of mass trainings, Volunteer Basic Training Course is provided to facilitate volunteers to better understand the needs and characteristics of our service users. It also includes fundamental skills in communications, as well as tips for being a volunteer. Volunteers can then enroll Advanced Training Sessions upon their interests in different service categories, to gain an in-depth understanding of service users and equip with better coping skills. In 2019, we recruited 67 new community volunteers in total. 義工學習利用紙皮製作玩具,並將有關技巧教授 予小朋友。 Volunteers learnt how to make toys with cardboard, and then shared the skills with children. 我們透過舉辦不同的聚會,加強義工之間的 凝聚力。 We hosted different activities to strengthen the cohesion among volunteers. 義工希望以湯水傳遞家的感覺,與舍友建立良好的關係。 To establish a close relationship with hostel residents, volunteers prepared homemade soup for them.