
93 未來發展重點 Upcoming Development Focus 社會康復及預防犯罪服務 Social Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Service 我們透過整合法院社工和不同單位同工 的力量,為近年因社會事件驟增的被捕 人士及其家屬提供重點支援,協助他們面 對因審訊而產生的問題和刑釋後重投社 會的挑戰。同時,在服務層面,我們著力 引入「美好生命模式」、朋輩培訓及家庭介 入手法;並探討具啟發性的數據,以訂定 服務指標。此外,我們會繼續透過與政府 和社會團體的緊密合作,深化綜合服務模 式,為青少年提供生涯規劃服務,並為違 法者、在囚人士、更生康復者、非華裔人 士及其家庭提供多元化服務,以培養更多 服務使用者成為貢獻者。 Facing the increasing number of arrestees in social incidents, we have been keenly consolidating the manpower of Court Social Work Service and other units to support service users and their families to resolve their welfare problems throughout the court procedure and re-integrate into the society after release. Meanwhile, we will continue to incorporate the “Good Lives Model”, peers training and family intervention as our service delivery focus. By revisiting the service indicators, insightful service index and implications are going to be drawn. Besides, we will continue to provide career and life development service to the youngsters, and strengthen the Integrated Service Centres one- stop service mode for the people in conflict with law, inmates, rehabilitated ex-offenders, ethnic minorities and their families by collaboration with the Government and various organisations, so as to transform more service users into contributors to society. 精神健康服務 Mental Health Service 未來一年,精神健康服務將加強與會內其他 服務的合作,以持續發展朋輩支援員培訓, 並檢討精神復元模式之服務。此外,我們提 供多元精神健康服務的同時,亦會著重强化 青少年工作,及促進精神健康服務之人才發 展。 In the coming year, the Mental Health Service will strengthen the collaboration with various service units within the Society to continuously develop peer supporter training and to review the recovery-oriented service. Further to the delivery of multifarious mental health services, we will focus on strengthening youth work as well as cultivating talents in mental health service.