
96 香港善導會心繫弱勢社群。今年初,新冠肺炎 疫症肆虐本港,本會立即調撥資源應對,並感 謝各方善長襄助,捐贈抗疫物資。同時,本會 亦善用網上資源,與服務使用者分享最新的抗 疫資訊與弱勢社群共同抗疫。 SRACP is committed to help disadvantaged groups in Hong Kong. Since COVID-19 started to wreak havoc across Hong Kong earlier this year, SRACP acted swiftly by allocating our resources, as well as received tremendous donation of anti-epidemic materials from various donors, to fight the virus together with the disadvantaged groups. Meanwhile, we also made good use of online resources to share the latest anti-epidemic information with our service users. 向服務使用者派發外科口罩、消毒搓手液及飯劵。 Distributed surgical masks, hand sanitisers and meal vouchers to service users and their families. 同心抗疫 共渡時艱 Riding Out the Adversity Together