
97 在 8 個服務單位推出「玩具圖書館」服務,為受疫情 影響的學童提供適切的學習資源和玩具娛樂。 Provided “Toy Library Service” at 8 service units to provide multiple choices of toys, books and learning resources to children in response to school suspension due to the outbreak of COVID-19. 善用網上平台包括 Facebook 、 IG 及 YouTube 發放不同 抗疫資訊及舉辦活動予公眾,正面應對疫情。 Make good use of social media platforms such as Facebook, IG and YouTube, to distribute different anti-epidemic information to the public. 在 九 龍 區 推 出「愛 心 蜜 蜜 送」外展服務,支援受疫情 影響的露宿者。 Launched “Love Delivery Under COVID-19” in Kowloon to provide timely care and support to street sleepers or homeless people.