Annual Report 2021-22

98 我們獲恒生銀行支持繼續推行「恒生青年前 路探索計劃」,除了配對不同行業專才或企業 家,以協助提供各類體驗式行業學習與探索活 動,讓弱勢青年進一步了解期望投身行業的實 況,有助確立職涯及創業方向。我們亦致力開 拓不同新僱主及合作伙伴網絡,包括廣告公 司、大學研究中心、治療中心、西式餅店、顧 問公司等,提供不同類型的工作實習機會,以 回應時下青年的就業需求。 Supporting by Hang Seng Bank, we continued to launch the “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme”, not only matching youths with related industry experts or entrepreneurs, but also helping them to understand more the reality of the industries or businesses they desired to enter, and thus to define their career goals. This year, we were also keen on expanding new network of employers and stakeholders, such as advertisement agency, research center, therapy centre, pastry shop and consultancy agency, so as to seek more opportunities of job attachment for the youths, and respond their current employment needs. 服務質素監察及成效研究 本會年內榮獲不同獎項,包括在僱員再培訓局 周年審計獲最高「第一組」評級;以及在僱員再 培訓局年度頒獎禮 2021–22 上榮獲「 ERB 課程管 理獎」;而本會僱主獲「 ERB 傑出僱主獎」及「 ERB 優異僱主獎」。本會榮獲僱員再培訓局頒發課 程質素表現持續優異嘉許狀,以表揚本培訓機 構連續 5 年在課程質素方面取得優異成績。 為更有效回顧服務成效,我們於「恒生青年前 路探索計劃」引入「社會影響評估」監察計劃成 效,以了解本計劃對青年於未來職業取向及提 升個人能力的影響。經兩年收集、整理及分析 數據,結果顯示本計劃有效提升青年對職涯發 展的關注及好奇心。而且,青年參與服務後, 更會善用時間發展事業。 Service Quality Control and Effectiveness Measure The Society was honoured with various awards this year, including The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) Manpower Development Scheme had successfully passed the onsite management audit of ERB “Comprehensive Annual Audit System” and achieved “Level One”, which was the highest ranking. Also, we were recognised as the “ERB Outstanding Award for Course Management” at the ERB Annual Award Presentation Ceremony 2021–2022. While our employers received the “ERB Outstanding Award for Employers” and “ERB Merit Award for Employers” respectively. Our Society was awarded the Certificate of Recognition for the outstanding performance of course quality in five consecutive years by ERB. To systematically review the services, we incorporated the “Social Impact Measurement” into the “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme”, in order to measure the scheme’s effectiveness on youth’s career choice making and enhancement of individual capacity. A research was completed after collecting and analysis all data in the past two years. The result and finding indicated that the scheme was effective to enhance the participants’ awareness and curiosity of career planning, as well as job-related knowledge. Also, they had significant improvement on time management to develop potential career.