Annual Report 2021-22

100 「自在地 • 活出真的你 — 少數族裔青年職涯探索計劃」 — 青年參加學習與探索活動。 Youth participated in the learning and exposure activities of “Key to Success”. Kong Island to do exercise together. 助更生活動 本年度得到東區民政事務署邀請,參加東區滅 罪禁毒助更生嘉年華會,由服務使用者示範健 康操及宣傳服務。除了推廣健康訊息外,活動 還向社區推廣更生人士的正面形象。我們亦致 力開發各種外出實習的工作崗位,包括包裝、 加工、維修等,協助求職者重建工作習慣,重 投就業市場。 Rehabilitation Activities This year, we were invited by Eastern District Home Affairs Department to participate in the Eastern District Fight-crime Beat- drug and Rehabilitation Carnival. Our service users demonstrated health exercises and promoted health messages. The activity not only promoted health, but also brought out positive image of our service users to the community. We were devoted to develop various internship opportunities, such as packing workers, processing workers, and maintenance workers etc., meanwhile, we assisted the service users who were looking for jobs to rebuild their working habit and re-enter the job market. 服務使用者正在帶領 200 多位港島東區街坊一起 做運動。 Service users led over 200 residents in the Eastern District of Hong Kong Island to do exercise together. 服務使用者正在製作會方紅酒義賣的『聖誕紅酒環』。 Service users made “Christmas Wine Rings” for SRACP charity sales in the Employment Rehabilitation Centre.