Annual Report 2021-22

101 恒生青年前路探索計劃 — 舉辦「訂造未來.青年市集」。 “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme” hosted the “Tailor Made Your Future Weekend Bazaar”. 「訂造未來‧青年市集」 「恒生青年探索計劃」一連兩日( 11 月 27 日及 28 日)於荃灣南豐紗廠舉行,由 30 名年輕檔主經 營「訂造未來•青年市集」。是次活動,共吸引 約 1,300 名市民到場參觀。當中 30 名年輕檔主 實現創業夢,成功展出豐碩的創業成果,包括 創意精品、手作飾物、茶品、本地菜及意式食 材等。他們透過與潛在客戶交流,開拓日後的 合作機會,並從中了解自己商品的市場反應, 以檢視及改善營運模式。 Tailor Made Your Future Weekend Bazaar “Hang Seng Youth Career Planning Scheme” hosted the “Tailor Made Your Future Weekend Bazaar” from 27 to 28 November 2021 at the Mills, Tsuen Wan. The store owners, 30 youths sold their products, including handmade accessories, tea and Italian food, local farm products, etc. Through having real business experience and interaction with potential customers, they had gained better understanding of their businesses as well as their products, which helped them to evaluate and improve their business idea. 設計思維及社創項目培訓 社創社本年度與本地 15 個社創及社會服務團體 合作,提供 12 小時意念醞釀工作坊及 8 小時社 創培訓,為有興趣了解及開展社會創新項目的 人士提供一個共學及共融平台。計劃協助參加 者善用自身資源,以同理心了解社會現況;以 體驗弱勢社群的生活學習定義問題;透過真人 圖書館及成功獲資助項目的分享,以創意協作 建立解決方案及闡述計劃。社創社同時提供撰 寫計劃書、財務基本知識及管理、市場推廣及 成效量度等訓練。社創社本年度共收到 60 份社 創項目的計劃書,最後共批出 12 個原型及 1 個 初創項目。 Design Thinking and Social Innovation Training BEHub collaborated with 15 local social innovation and social service organisations to provide the 12-hour idea generation training and 8-hour social innovation training, with an aim to build up a co-learning and inclusive hub for people who are keen to know and start a social innovative project. The project facilitated the participants to utilise their own resources, understand the social phenomenon with empathy, learn to define problems with experiencing the lives of disadvantaged groups, co-work for innovative solutions and expound the project with human library and sharing by the grantees. In addition, BEHub provided training on proposal writing, financial fundamentals and management, marketing promotion and impact measurement. BEHub received 60 proposals in total. Eventually, 12 prototype and 1 startup projects had been granted funding. 社創社培訓 — 與「歷耆者」合作體驗長者痛點。 BEHub Training — Co-worked with Eldpathy to experience the elderly’s pain points.